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Water based smoke fluid


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Yesterday, I bought my self a new smoke machine and it uses water based fluid, when I tested it the smoke was nice and light and it actually turned into a really nice even haze, I was wondering if this always happens with water based fluid?
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my smoke and haze knowledge is limited. but yes, this is generally the case. The smoke from water based fluid is alot cleaner and purer than the oil based stuff!


Although I have a water based fluid, and it has not really had that effect. Its still patchy. But clearer than the oil based stuff.


You may also find that the oil based stuff is not as 'white' as water based

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I beleive that most smoke is now water based, you dont say what machine it was, but some cheaper machines use a lighter smoke so it doesnt take as much vaporising, hence seems to settle more like a haze, a larger amchine with a high power element can vaporise more fluid at once and produce a thicker smoke
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Most smoke has always been water/glycol based. The density of the smoke and therefore whether it becomes a 'haze' depends on the concentration of glycol in the water. Oil will always produce a better quality haze because of the particle size. Glycol has particles approx 20 times heavier than oil. Oil will therefore be more transparent and hang longer. This is pretty much a constant and does not change with machine/fluid.
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its just a cheapo one from maplin, im using for a small event at my school,. the school has an oil based machine but someone lost the remote but I think if I connect a switch to pins 2 and 4 it will work... not sure its a "DIN" plug I think
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Good luck with that :blink: - don't forget to check out the smoke detectors in the area you are using or you may have everything cut short by a mass evacuation.

Been there. Not fun. :P


By the way - does anyone know how good the smoke flavourings are? I saw some being sold on ebay, including this one which claims to be Red Bull Flavoured!! http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/brand-new-fragrance-...1QQcmdZViewItem


interesting or bunch of arse? I quite liked the concept of mint smoke actually. never used anything, but been around strawberry smoke a fair few times.

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Have fun. Be careful with your placement - the nozzles get very hot. Make sure you always use the fluid designed for the unit and don't let anyone try and make it give continuous smoke unless it is specifically designed to do so. All glycol machines work in the same way. You pay money for more powerful pumps and ovens which determine how fast smoke can be produced. The problem with these machines is that the very narrow tubes running through the oven get blocked up. Normally this takes a long time to occur, but if you use the wrong fluid or push it too hard it will happen faster.



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yeh, thanks for the advice :stagecrew: hopefully I can get the site manager to disable that zone of smoke alarms, in the past he has slipped us a bunch of latex gloves.. dodgy!!! ** laughs out loud **
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