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Creating Setup Video


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Hi , I'm looking to record the setup of a large show I'm doing lighting for and I would like to play back the video of the setup (sped up )


You've all seen what I mean.


How can I do this ? I can either use Webcam or Dv cam, what software would I need to record say every 10 Min's , and how would I put all the images together and play back at a faster speed ?


Hope someone knows what I mean and can help



John Partridge

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I've done this on a get-in for a turing band (Prodigy, maybe Therapy?) The camera had a stop-motion function. Filmed one frame in 7, or something. Then just play back at normal speed.


If you looked closely you could see how far from a comfortable leaning position the Tech Manager moved, or rather didn't. The gaff ball football match was interesting too. :(

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I think what Andrew C is referring to is a special function on the camera which allows for you to record one in so many frames automatically. Then, if my interpretation of his post is correct, you don't need to put the frames together manually, for the camera does it automatically.


..but correct me if I'm wrong.


I assume when you play back it's just like a normal tape play back (i.e. the same functions are available) just there are fewer frames captured per second and so when the existing playback the fact that there are more frames per second being played back than there were captured in true time, the tape is sped up.


Sorry if that confused you- it confused me but I don't know how else to phrase it.

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Ahh ok. Well... You want some time lapse software...


After a quick :( , I've come across 'TiAR Time Lapse Animator,' which you can download from this page. It's shareware and I have no experience with it myself but it sounds as if it does what you want to do.


Let us know how it goes.

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I cant actually get it to download...


I've followed the link and then the version that dosnt need the download software and I then seem to end up at a holding page for a search company... and a lotta lotta ads!


Any ideas?




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One way to do this could be to take firewire out your camera into a laptop (Mac or PC) record directly into AVID Xpress Pro. Then stick a motion effect on the timeline and Robert's your Auntie's Spouse



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id get a DV camera hooked upo to avid and just run a continuous capture straight to avid (DV tapes will run out too quickly) then using avid's motion effect you can speed it up to any percentage of original, or specific lenghth, or specify a FPS rate.



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