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Sky High Pyro Pod fitting


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We're using some Sky High Stage Flashes and Silver Bursts in our pantomime, and using the proper Sky High firing system and pods to fire them from.


The pyro effects all seem to have a single "pin" on the bottom to connect into the firing pod, but we're having problems with pods not firing despite having a green light on the controller and pod before attempting to fire.


This is the first time we've used Sky High (we're normally Le Maitre) and despite browsing the web I can't find a description of the best way of mounting the pyros into the firing pods...... is it best to just push them in ? Push and twist, or is there some special way for ensuring the best possible contact ? We've had successful firings so I know all the firing kit works, but it would be nice to feel a bit more confident that the pyro pods are properly plugged in and I wasn't just lucky !



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The pyro effects all seem to have a single "pin" on the bottom to connect into the firing pod, but we're having problems with pods not firing despite having a green light on the controller and pod before attempting to fire.


The sky high system actually has 2 pins. one in the center and one veryslightly off set from center. the center pin makes contact inside the hole in the pod where as the off set pin make contact with a brass ring on the base of the pod. What normally happens is the ring gets dirty increasing the resistance enough for the pod not to fire but still giving a green light.


Clean up this ring and you should have no problems.


It also helps it you give the pyro a twist after inserting it.


Sky high is a very good system. I used it for a year and a half on Cats with little to no problems and almost no miss fires. The fact that the pyros have a central mounting means you dont have to align the pins when inserting, a godsend when you just want to go and eat between shows :)

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