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rubbish looking pyro- ?


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Hi All,


Random title for an opening thread but..


We are doing a random community Panto thing at the end of this month and the director has asked for a piro that looks like its failed for the wicked witch- nice easy lauphs I guess,


Anyways I have searched over and over the la maitre CD and cant really find it, She wants it to be green ish possibly, then the fest just your usual nice pretty flashes etc etc,


Thanks again anyway, I reallise hope someone can help as I am starting to run out of time! ooops!




:D :blink:

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A pyro that's failed is one that doesn't work - i.e. it does nothing. So the best way to simulate a failed pyro is to use no pyro at all!


If you actually mean that you want one that looks different from the others, then you've got lots of options - robotics (as mentioned above), silverstar flashes, small gerbs, small mine effects - the possibilities are ... well, not endless, but many!

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how failed? you could go for a robotic, available from skyhighfx


It needs to look absolutly poo ** laughs out loud ** !


The equipment we already have is Le maitre.. will skyhigh gear work in it? It shows how much I know about piros as I have never come accross skyhighfx before.. oops soz,




A pyro that's failed is one that doesn't work - i.e. it does nothing. So the best way to simulate a failed pyro is to use no pyro at all!


If you actually mean that you want one that looks different from the others, then you've got lots of options - robotics (as mentioned above), silverstar flashes, small gerbs, small mine effects - the possibilities are ... well, not endless, but many!



Well it has just work, just look really knaff! erm I know hardly anything about piros, but if they fit in pods I will have a look at the small mine effects possibly, thanks...

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Having just finished panto myself, a quick laugh was gained by one of the genie's enterance's pyro's being fired late, so he walks on then the pyro is fired (obviously after he is past safety distances.) This gained a quick giggle every night.

Another option, rubbish looking pyro = party popper fired from wings before her entrance, then a small bit of script about how she expects a better entrance or what ever.


Also skyhigh will not fit into a Le maitre pod, but adapters are available.

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Just to go off on one for a moment, I don't really like gags like that - all too often someone else's ####-ups are blamed on "technical problems" when explaning to punters why the show's going up late (since when has a turn who's too pissed to go on been a "technical problem"? :blink:). So making it look like someone backstage has cocked something up, and milking it for a laugh, doesn't really do us any favours in the long run, if you ask me.


Sorry, that's going OT - I'll get me coat.

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I do see your point. I should have added that the genie did point at the pyro as it was about to fire to make it look semi planned.


However I think if your using normal theatrical flashes for the other entrances then the party popper idea would be affective for a quick laugh.

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I saw once that the evil wizard casted a spell and pointed somewhere on stage left as if that were where the effect should happen and it went off behind him on stage right, uses a normal theatrical flash pyro (or whatever), looks like it went wrong and can't be blamed on the technicians.
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I like the idea of the party popper, might suggest it!


We have a regular comedy club to in one of our other venues so im used to the comedians making a quick crap joke about ohoo hit the music and then after the 15seconds of nothing on the cd the wrong song hits in, oh yeah its dead funny now :S uuhm


Someone suggested a small concussion ? apparently they are just v.quick but pretty canny to .. ? oh dunno dunno,


Thanks once again, Im getting bored of going through this La maitre cd aargh!!!



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Someone suggested a small concussion ? apparently they are just v.quick but pretty canny to .. ?

No, don't even go there. A small concussion is way too loud for what you want. As anyone who's been on the course will remember it's the small concussion that we demo and we all know how loud they are.

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Do you have a pyro effect for the "Good" magic user in this panto.


For example if you have a theatrical flash whenever the "good Fairy" appears you could have the same theatrical flash for the wicked witch with a green smoke charge fired at the same time. The Witch could then enter coughing and waving away the smoke.


The good fairy would of course enter clean.


Just a thought

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Not a Farndale fan then :unsure:

Isn't that a bit different, though? I mean, with "Farndale" it's the basic premise of the whole piece, rather than some panto turn saying "I know, let's put a gag in here that makes it look like one of the technician people has made a mistake, that'll be funny ...".

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