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Does location depend on your job prospects?

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As I am almost finished uni I am thinking about moving to get a decent job or more more prospects at getting a decent job. I live in North Yorkshire and there arnt many jobs with regard to sound tech work, light tech work around this area, would I be right in saying moving nearer to London would provide more choice in jobs and better pay? I am doing research on living in London and surrounding areas eg Hertfordshire, could anybody provide me with some advice?
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Being 'close to London' isn't quite the universal solution that some people make it out to be. It's fine for some people, others hate it.


There are a lot of factors to consider. Yes, there are more opportunities down in London and the south-east - but there are more people chasing them, as well. While the difference in the cost of living between north and south isn't perhaps as great as it once was, it's still there. And you have to look at quality of life, too.


When I first started freelancing, I was living in Cambridge - just s 45 minute hop into Kings Cross on the train. It was useful while I was 'finding my freelance feet' - but I was there because that's where my last full-time job was, not due to any conscious decision to base myself there as a freelancer. Being closer to London did have its advantages for the first couple of years - but four years ago I moved back to north east Wales, and I honestly can't say that my freelance work has suffered for it. Yes, there are a few jobs 'darn sarf' that I haven't been able to do because I'm not there any more - but conversely, I've done stuff up here that I couldn't have done if I'd still been down in Cambridge. And when the jobs in London do come along, I can be from my front door to Euston station in 3 hours (Virgin Trains permitting!).


I guess what I'm trying to say is that it's all about what works for you. Personally, purely from a quality of life point of view, I'd pick North Yorkshire over London without a moment's hesitation! But that's just me. And if you think about it, you've got quite a few big cities/towns in your part of the world - Newcastle, York, Leeds, Bradford, even Sheffield and Manchester are perfectly commutable from your part of the world - and if you look hard enough you'll find plenty of stuff going on. It doesn't all happen south of Watford, you know! :mods:

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Thanks for the advice


I am only 21 and a bit of a city man meself and quite like the living dwon south however like you say its moving and all that other stuff etc. I am in a bit of a situation, do I get a job and then move or do I move first then look for a job? also where to look for jobs etc


Gareth, is freelancing worth doing? how do you go about finding freelance jobs?

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Freelancing is worth doing if you can get the jobs - I went into it having been resident at venues for a few years beforehand, so I had quite a few contacts to get me going. The trick is to get in touch with as many people as you can think of, to let them know that you exist and that you're looking for freelance work - and then keep reminding them (but not too often, otherwise they'll just get pissed off with you!). Oh, and being good at what you do also helps. :mods:
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