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"bamboo-bows" or similar


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We are going to make some flower-garlands, made out of bended bamboo-canes. But the tension in the bamboo is so high, so it is rather difficult to make bows from it. Does it exist proper methods to bend bamboo, or does it exist other solutions, that looks like bamboo-bows, or at least a kind of wood?
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Now I've seen eveything ...


Does it have to be bamboo? At college we have just got a load of willow "strands"(not technical term) for puppets and they will bend to what you want, the pack, no idea how many or weight, was about £50.

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Guest lightnix

My partner is a Morris dancer and a number of her friends do traditional English dances which involve the use of garlands. I'm not sure how they make them, but if you contact Copperfield Clog or Kettle Bridge Clogs, you may be able to find someone who can help you.


Have a look, too at these pictures of a some Morris dancers running a garland dancing workshop in Australia - they appear to have made their garlands from cut-down hula hoops.


I've also just stumbled across the Bamboo Forums - if you want to know about bamboo, that looks like the place to ask. They even have a subforum on bending bamboo.

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