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Audience On Stairs...


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Hey all,


I'm currently SMing a show at a London fringe venue and have been having some 'discussions' recently with the Artistic Director. Since receiving some good reviews, we've been nearing full houses (it's a '60-seater' venue). The problem is, it doesn't actually appear to seat 60 people; probably 55 at the most.


When I put this to the Artistic Director, she said that once the bench seats were full I should seat people on the stairs on cushions. Now all my instincts and H&S from Central tell me that this is wrong. Despite the fact that it's only a small venue and there are only 3 stairs on each side, surely this is an obstruction?


I told the Artistic Director that I was NOT happy about doing this, and she said that her predecessor was very firm about H&S but that he was fine with this. I explained that if anything happened it would be my responsibility, but she said that I could make it theirs. Fine in theory, but if there was a real emergency, she's not around during the show (it's just me and the actors), so it would be my responsibilty to evacuate, and therefore my problem if people are causing an obstruction.


I don't want to create a rift between me and the venue, but if I am right, I'd like to get this sorted out. Any advice gratefully received..

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As far as I am concerned you are SPOT on! The stairs are and shoudl be considered as an esacpe route, should never be bloked, never have any other obstruction on them, which included people sat on cushions...... tell the Director if he wants to sell more seats they will have to put on an extra show...... and yes pay you guys for the extra work!!! :blink:
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I would agree, I know of no council that allows people to sit in the gang ways.


I know of various '60' seater venues, and none of them would allow it, the Etcetera were always strict on this, although sometimes squeezed audience members took it upon themsleves.


I would most definatly not give out cushions, as this is then giving the audience full permission, as well as distibuting something that would cause a massive trip hazard in the event of an emergency.


The theatre licence for the venue may well state something - Camden and Westminster I am sure qould not allow anything such as this.


Even when The Bush sat its audience on the steps (there were no seats) a gangway had to be kept clear for the event of an emergency.



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rachel, knowing where you venue is I am quite sure that the council do not allow people sitting in the gang ways.


ultimatly its your responsibility, stand up to them and say you cant shift the blame because its not about who to blame in the case of an emergency but how to keep it safe so that no one need be blamed


you are right on this issue so stick to your guns



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...it would be my responsibility, but she said that I could make it theirs.


Obviously she has no understanding of H&S law, you cannot abrogate your responsibility like this. If something is wrong the law says you must do something about it.

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I totally agree. It is not ok to sit people on the stairs without some indication that they are 'seats'


so it would be my responsibilty to evacuate, and therefore my problem if people are causing an obstruction.


err, no. It is not your responsibility to evacuate. It is your responsibility to get yourself out the building in an emergency. It is not your responsibility to ensure that everybody else leaves. Make an announcement and then leave by the nearest exit. No one is expected to be 'first victim' and wait behind until the building is clear. If there is 'persons on', tell the fire brigade, that's there job which they are trained to deal with.

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I had this problm with theatre management when I was at university


We would regularly put films on in the theatre - however when we sold out we had a problem in that off-work theatre FOH staff would come in gratis to "help out" with the larger numbers. This resulted in them sitting down (with no badges or uniform) down the centre aisle of the circle. On the steps themselves.


This generated problems with the paying patrons as there were a handful of seats that had rather ristricted views - as in the upper slips - particularly for cinema viewing.


This ment that these guys would come over and try to sit down on the steps as well - something we couldn't alow


Obviously though it was hard to explain - in a dark cinema - with trailers and adds playing - that they were not allowed to sit there but other people aparently were.


I wasn't happy.


But this was the dictate from FOH management and it wasn't out theatre, We were just tasked with stopping our patrons from sitting in the aisle.

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Rachel, Just to confirm the overwhelming opinion on this one, it is absolutely unacceptable to have audience sitting in gangways. They are , as the name implies, gangways not seating areas. If there are any standing spaces in the theatre then these must be agreed by the local authority and will form part of the licence conditions and as such should be stated on the license. These standing areas ( if there are any agreed with the local authority ) will allow for very strict numbers and these should be known by box office, it may be worth talking to them as they often know what the score is. As also stated, it is not acceptable to provide trip hazards, sorry, cushions to the audience to sit on. As you are well aware, responsibility for issues like this is not something you can pass on or ignore. I think the number of posts in such a brief time, and the fact that I have still felt it necessary to add my opinion indicates the strength of feeling. Should you have any further problems, get in touch. It is precisely the way we handle situations like this that define our role as SM's / TM's.
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Thank you everyone.


This morning I have spoken to the Artistic Director. The situation is resolved (despite the fact that she conceded that the venue only actually 'seats' 55, and that the company would lose the money for 5 tickets as a result of not having anyone sat on the stairs).


This is now an issue for the company to discuss with the venue, and I have passed the information on to the director and producers.


Once again thanks for all your support.

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