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Bad gigs

J Pearce

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I had a bad gig on monday night; unfixable earth hum (well I knew what was wrong but didn't have the leads to fix it), dodgy mic cutting out, powered speakers being turned off mid gig, and then not getting turned back on for the numbers they were needed, because they were humming. And to top it all off a very rude choir leader.


But my main question is, How does everyone calm down after a gig like that?


I left the gig, annoyed, feeling a bit guilty because some poor girls solo was ruined, and very stressed.

I didn't really sleep properly that night either.


So how do you more experienced people do it?

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I know this sound like a bit of a cliche but honestly you just have to let go. If you know that you tried your best and you didn't seriously injure anyone or kill them then don't worry about it.


I know it's a horrible feeling, I get it if I call a show all wrong, but to be honest I've never had sleepless nights about it.


At the end of the day it's only a show and it's only a job and its not Brain surgery!!



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I agree about letting it go, when you walk out of the building you should leave work behind. Unless it's a carryover discussion in the pub afterwards with a pint in your hand.


But it's not easy. I've currently had two dreams about a show I did and dusted two weeks ago. The show went well so why do I keep dreaming that the guitarist hasn't turned up and I can't find my laptop! Subconscious is a funny thing...



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I agree about letting it go, when you walk out of the building you should leave work behind. Unless it's a carryover discussion in the pub afterwards with a pint in your hand.


But it's not easy. I've currently had two dreams about a show I did and dusted two weeks ago. The show went well so why do I keep dreaming that the guitarist hasn't turned up and I can't find my laptop! Subconscious is a funny thing...



The night after I have finished any big show the same happens, dream that something goes wrong - well you would after 2 weeks solid of watching it (I hope thats normal ;) ;)

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We only ever get noticed when the job we do dosn't go right, and invariably the thing that throws some egg in our face is completly out of our control.


The worst thing that can happen if we get our job wrong (sorry I'm a noise boy, so excepting Riggers, and People who are responsible for mains) is some people get a little upset, and maybe have a bad evening out... though thankfully we all rarely have bad gigs, so I wouldn't worry about it at all, the Mrs, though is a doc, she gets it wrong people DIE, but she never ever seems to bring work home with her, so have re-evaluted work, and think everybody should really, it's only a job, as long as no-one gets hurt, don't get upset by it, just make sure that next time you get faced with the same situation, you can sort it, either with the right bits, or experience. Getting caught out once is no need for any loss of sleep, if its the same mistake repeatedly, then, perhaps...


I think bad gigs really are there to make us better at what we do, and maybe a little more cynical... to the point where it is only a job, though a pretty good one, and a pint or two will wash away all the problems..

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In short:


If it's in the past, you can't change it.


If you can't change it, don't worry about it because all you'll do is make yourself ill.


However, if there are any lessons to be learned, remember them!


(And when you work on a low-budget ship, this happens a lot!)

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Step 1. Blame someone else.

Step 2. Beer.

Repeat step 2 as necessary.


Seriously though, you do your best and nobody can complain about that. If equipment is at fault, get a repair organised if possible before it is needed again. If not, learn from any mistakes you or anyone else made. Don't dwell on it because you will probably cause yourself to have another bad gig next time. If you do this, you will eventually stop enjoying the work. If you don't enjoy yourself while working, it makes the job so much harder.


Good Luck with sorting it out


Dave J

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Everyone has bad gigs, but in hindsight they never seem as bad after u rationalise things.

I personally HATE messing up and kick my self several times if I do, im in the huff withmyself for a few hours after, then remember. Lifes too short, rembber not to do it again, and get on with the next job!!

Though working on a gig which has gone bad through bad management and reflects bad on the techs always bugs me!! Just another "not to work with again" to add to the list!!

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If I have a bad gig, I usually just think to myself 'things went wrong, I have learnt from the mistakes, they wont happen in the future', then I kill off a few brain cells with a bit of Russian vodka and go to sleep.


When my parents bought into the Alpaca industry, they were given a good piece of advice - "in the farming industry, you have live stock and you have dead stock". It is the same in any industry, you have the good and the bad. Every doctor will have patients die, every courier will accidentaly break the odd package, every chef will burn a meal and every stock picker will incorectly pick an order. All we can do is try and minimise these things by continualy learning and updating our practices.

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