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New small FOH mixer


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audio - totally agree that the next generation of sound engineers should learn digital from the outset. but if you're going teach digital, it's gotta be yamaha - they have incredible market penetration. anyone using digital desk will have used or will have to use a digital at some point. I've got yamaha on my hire stock as its the 'industry standard'. however, IMHO digico D5/D1 are the best 'live' desks on the market today.


dosxuk - sounds like the GB4 will fit nicely with your existing stock.. if its a budget thing.. the LX7ii or GL2400 are reasonable. we've got both an LX7 and a GL2200 - IMHO the GL has a much better EQ. been meaning to sell the LX7 and get an MH2 or something cheap & compact with VCA's.



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Oh woe is me. Just bought a DDX, it arrived (yesterday in fact), plugged it in and absolutely nothing happened, there was also the distinct sound of something rattling around in the case when I tipped the desk too... Having thought it must be worth a go at that price I am now having serious second thoughts... Plus, rumour reaches me from those in the know that Behringer are not planning to carry out any warranty repairs on these desks, simply to replace them outright!


Why oh why didn't I put my hand a bit deeper in my pocket and get an 01V instead?!

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I can't comment between the GB4 and the Behringer except that the GB4 seems very solidily built - the Behringer seems much flimsier.


What I will thow into the mix is the Allen & Heath GL2400 - I was looking at a 16ch GB4 but bought a 24ch GL2400 instead


The 24ch A&H is cheaper and actually *smaller* than the 16ch GB4, is well built, sounds clean and has some nice touches.


eg The Mono master /output can be flipped to act as an aux fed sub from aux 6, the matrix has direct ins, it can take a redundant PSU


I've been very impresessed with it so far -its definitely the best small format board I've mixed on. I've since bought a Mixwizard 14:4:2 for smaller jobs


Ian Cunningham

Solus Technical Services

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