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Posts posted by Bryson

  1. I have a favour to ask:

    The new software interprets "returns" as "new paragraph" and inserts an extra line space.  That means that people with big (4-line) signatures are now using 7 lines of space whereas before they were using 4.  Can you edit your sigs to use a "shift-return" which just starts a new line, not a new paragraph?  I'll ninja-edit any particularly egregious ones, but I would consider it a great personal favour if you could do it for me...

    Note that the user standards request 4 lines of text, no images.

    Oh, and they're harder to find than they used to be, they're in Top Left Right* Menu (Your Username)>Account Settings>Signature, whereas I think they used to be under Profile.


    *=Clearly, I meant Stage Left. 😉 

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  2. Welcome all back to the newly refreshed Blue Room.  We're happy to see you again!

    As you can see, we've given the place a new coat of paint, but we also changed the technology out too.  We're onto the latest version of the Invision software now, so we'll see some improvements in terms of features, reliability and we will actually get bug fixes when they come out.

    It's always fun to find the bugs after a refit, so do let us know if anything looks weird or seems to be broken.  In the meantime, welcome back, and enjoy the new Forum.


    Many, many thanks to Bruce and Richard for doing the heavy lifting here on remaking the forum.  Also thanks to Invision support for their help in the process.

    I hope you like the new logo.  I made it. 😉


    Thanks all

    On behalf of the Blue Room Admin and Moderators



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  3. Now, I don't usually browse stockmarket type news, but this is somewhat concerning:




    The long and the short of it is that Audinate are having a hard time getting parts for their Brooklyn II assemblies, which are used by..pretty much everyone using Dante. Looks like Dante products are about to be in even shorter supply than they are now, and possibly will become unavailable for a while until they can either source a different part supplier or release Brooklyn III in Q4 2022.



  4. Thanks all. A couple of things there I hadn't previously considered so I'm going to take a look at them as well.


    One manufacturer actually reached out to me to show me an unreleased (as yet) product that fits the bill pretty well, so that was interesting!


    I'm not actually in the UK, so White Light probably don't want to demo for me, but we have plenty of contacts at the distributors! ;)

  5. I'll give it a look. Mike Wood's review implies that it's too loud (approx. 50dB or 45 in "Silent" mode, vs mid/high twenties for the Solaframe/VL offerings). TBF, the Encore is similar.
  6. There are some old threads on this but the state of the art moves on, so...


    I'm looking at replacing some VL1000s. if anyone has done this recently, what should I consider?


    I'm already looking at:


    • VL1100 LED
    • High End Solaframe Theatre
    • Martin MAC Encore Performance WRM


    I do need it to be quiet, (concert hall application) and I need the "tungsten" look to match existing fixtures. The VL1000s I'm replacing are a mix of shutter and iris models. Both in the same fixture would be nice. Any other fixtures you think I should consider?

  7. This is interesting as more and more venues get rid of their "distributed electrical heaters"* and have to rely more on their gas-powered heating system.


    * = Tungsten lighting. ;)


    We found that we needed to upsize the boiler/furnace at a previous venue after we went LED, as we were missing 100KW+ of heating... The boiler was due for replacement anyway, but it was a shock that we had to go from a 850,000BTU/h model to 1.2Million.

  8. Depends on how closely you want to stick for price, but I really like the QSC K10.2 or K8.2 for cost-effective powered speakers. They are a bit more expensive than the EVs, though.


    EDIT: Duh: just saw the last line of your post.... Never mind.

  9. This is entirely self serving, but the vast majority of you aren't in our target market so I don't feel too bad: This is exactly the type of issue that a good theatre consultant's set of specifications / design drawings would forestall....

    This crops up on a weekly basis on the FB groups. There's an expectation that CAT6+ is "better" than CAT5, which is of course true for Ethernet networking but not for AES50 which was designed around the characteristics of CAT5e. CAT6 has tighter twists and greater differences between the tightness of twists and hence the lay length. Across 75m+ of cable, that's enough to throw the signal timing characteristics perilously close to being out of spec. Hence it works for some people on some days but not for others.


    Good to know! I've been dutifully having CAT5e installed in the few projects where we use the Behringer, rather than the usual CAT6, so glad to know I haven't been wasting my time!

  11. Thanks all. It's pretty much for all of those reasons: housekeeping I guess, but it's more about labelling the actual receptacles and patch cables than the field cables, which are indeed usually all the same*. Also for single-purpose field ethercons (ie: dedicated Dante only or sACN only networks). Text labelled as well, of course, but to make things a bit easier at a glance. I was really hoping to work out what people's colour associations are. I always go yellow = video because of the old yellow composite video RCAs!




    * = Except I'm told that Behringer consoles don't like Cat6, and Cat5e is the only "supported" cable type. Not sure if that actually matters in the real world, but apparently "are you using Cat5e like we told you to" is a common gotcha with them. Anyone come across that? Does it actually matter?

  12. We're looking over our default specifications, and was hoping to poll people's opinions about colour-coding ethernet cable by data type / department.


    We've been using the following scheme but not 100% sure that the majority of people are making the same associations in the real world.


    We use:


    Blue = Building LAN / Internet

    Red = Audio Data (Dante etc)

    Yellow = Video

    White = Lighting

    Orange = Audio Secondary (ie, secondary Dante network)

    Violet = Control Data

    Green = Other. (For example, proprietary audio network, like GigaAce, that doesn't like to share.)


    No colour code: "Flex" cabling for general use.


    What are you using?



    (To be clear, we're not talking about the cable jacket unless it's all in conduit. No bright white cables for lighting ethercons! This is about colour coding rings/bushings/keystones/tags so it can be identified.)

  13. There are a few subreddits: /r/techtheatre or /r/commercialAV that might be of use.


    If you want to run a Job Ad, USITT do them in the USA, and CITT/ICTS run them in Canada.*



    Note that in North America, especially the USA, the Labour union (IATSE) have things a lot more sewn up than any union in the UK, so it may be better to just go to them in the cities you're going to. It's easy to get yourself "in trouble" by attempting to bypass the union where you shouldn't.



    You might be better off subcontracting the North American portions to a North American supplier, as they will be better able to navigate that type of stuff.




    (*=Full disclosure: I'm the President of CITT/ICTS)

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