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Everything posted by NewChris

  1. I have updated my spreadsheet greatly so it has the beltpacks and the PSU and the PCB's and other stuff (I am adding that) Here is the new link: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AvyCVE7tAG0ldEpkbjBUM3JNRU1LZjVmbW9qQ3hORGc&usp=sharing I am open to comments and thank you Hieronymus for your spreadsheet which was very helpful! So for anyone in the US, this is for you.
  2. For anyone in the US, I made a spreadsheet for the PSU. Here is a link: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AvyCVE7tAG0ldFdhS0s1ejFpN1cwenR0LTVjNjR6U0E&usp=sharing Every thing is from either Digikey or Newark. For some of the Digikey stuff, there is a second link with other options if the first one is out of stock. If you want to edit, PM me with your email. I will be working on one for the beltpack.
  3. WOW! this spreadsheet is excellent. I am currently making my own for the United States. Yours have manufactures and their codes so it will make my life easier. I will post mine once I finish them. I don;t know when that will be given I have to go back to school.
  4. Will you have supplier codes for us in the united States?
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