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Posts posted by Brian

  1. In the good old days (some) DJ mixers had microswitches on the sliders to start the turntable motors when they were raised. Could you bodge something like that onto onto the faders for the mics?


    In the old days that pretty much how it worked. Penny and Giles faders had microswitches built into them.

  2. What sticks in my throat is the fact that China handled this decisively and quickly...


    But China isn't a democracy: the people do what they are told. Can you really see us Brits staying indoors when told to?



    Ah but it's not a decree, it's "advice", leaving the onus on the theatres, pubs, attractions, etc, etc. to take action themselves, hoping that their insurers might pick up at least some of the losses.


    But does that insurance, if it pays out, help the myriad of 'freelancers' who now have no work? The contract we have with our insurers, for any sort of insurance, requires us to do all we can to mitigate our losses to keep the size of any claim down. So when a theatre/pub/restaurant is told to close down because of a virus then to mitigate the loss they should lay off all their staff.


    It's not right but insurance wouldn't help anyone at the end of the chain.

  3. I want to grow sideways into the DJ equipment/party hire business. I like that its not corporate and can deal with customers in an informal basis, which makes it easier to use casual hires.

    I'd like some advice on the feasability of running a profitable DJ equipment hire business for parties, sort of entry level mixing decks, speakers, entry level light bars etc.


    I would steer well away. The going rate for a typical disco has not changed in the last 20+ years. There are still plenty of people, with thousands invested in kit and vehicle, prepared to go out on a Saturday night for £150. They might call it a business but in reality it's a hobby.


    And be prepared to replace your equipment regularly as it'll not be looked after.





    To put some context on pricing...many many years ago (25+) I used to run a disco. I have a friend who still does. He has a huge investment in good kit. And yet he struggles to get half of what I was getting when I packed it in.

  4. Can anyone recommend a tester for primary, and occasionally rechargeable, batteries. Things like AAA/AA/PP3. It needs to be one that applies a sensible load and then displays a reliable estimate of remaining capacity.


    I wouldn't mind paying up to £50 for the right product.


    I've got one here that needs three hands to use and drives me mad.

  5. A couple of options...


    1) There are a couple of T4A fuses that feed to the +/-15V rails. Check they are OK.


    2) One of the power amplifier channels has gone DC


    3) There is a fault in either the fan circuit or the transformer over-temperature circuit.


    4) There is fault in the protection circuit itself so that it is staying in the power-on mute condition.

  6. I get the impression that circus is safe because circus people say it is, and have hundreds of years of experience in convincing people. Any non-circus concern is simply overstated and not applicable to circus.


    ...and can prove what they do is safe because the statistics prove it to be so.

  7. They're curious about how you phrase that to the H&S people in a way that works for them.


    I think the answer is probably that they don't. Or rather, the H&S person will be in-house and will understand the hazards and risks.


    Same as in the UK. H&S is mostly self-managed, it's very rare that anyone 'official' ever turns up to check things.

  8. I find that whenever I supply anything to Schools there is ALWAYS a request to remove discarded equipment in lieu of Weee requirements and to state is on the invoice/receipt, it's amazing how creative they can be and what they ask to be taken away.


    Doesn't that make you a waste carrier for which a licence is required?

  9. Dinnae think Blue Point and Milford are related, there`s also Northlight


    Maybe they are; maybe they aren't. The units are, however, functionally identical WRT the odd mode required by the OP.


    Plus they are based in the US like the OP.

  10. Hmmm, a demux or normal relay board won't quite to what Bob wants. He wants to take a single byte from a DMX frame and use it to drive 8 relays: one relay per bit.


    The old Milford 8-way relay board had a mode that would do that (IIRC).

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