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Are you a DJ? what Decks do you use?


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To be fair, as can be seen from your original post, quoted below, you did not mention that is was a specific DJ, you said most will refuse......therefore back_ache was correct in his assertion that this was incorrect. Of course the 'top' people will want to use equipment that they have spec'd and this may 'decks' however many less well-known DJs are perfectly happy to use CD players, especially if they are not particularly into the old 'scrathcing on the turntable' style'


:nerd: Ok if you ever get lucky enough to rent the dj DEX to a professional hip hop turntablist just tell him "don't use the turntables cus most of our costumer dj's prefer the cd players and therefore they are better" ( don't forget to smile at the end ). When somebody requests the DEX ( professionally ) Dance and Hip Hop are two different categories. When a dj around town asks you for his personal "DEX" that it's a completely different story and it's on a different category ( Mobile ). A mobile dj can play any kind of music from Hip Hop to Merengue but it wasn't my point.


For the end I'd like to express that I'm happy that the BR it's not into the dj stuff. Dj forums are getting really bored specially when it comes to answer the questions. Most of the dj's don't leave their ego outside their computers and they are "always right". It's very easy to tell that in lighting and sound people it's a lot more mature in their questions and their answers.

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I have not ever seen one hip hop DJ use CD players!...


the web is becoming the place where you will find the newest of new music, as cutting-edge dj want the newest stuff legally downloaded and burnt cd may take over yet.


if your worryed it will impeed your creativity spend some time with the latest pioneer cd players, they are an impressive peice of kit.


Oh, I one other thing I wasn't comment on hip-hop djs, I was replying to the blanket statement about all djs

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