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The only reason I mentioned tech crew was the increasing trend for FOH ops to use iPOD etc with their own tracks etc on and how the promoter would know what was being used from this list unless it was a specific play in playlist.
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I've played in the band for a local amdram company for about 8 years now and when I first started the director used to insist on playing his Steps cd before the shows. eventually the company moved onto proper shows and realised this was probably not the best scene-setter!


Anyway when I'm on sound for shows at work I usually either go for something that's a mood setter for the show itself or if its something light then Jamie Cullum or something similar. Recently we've had live music before the shows which is so much better than a cd as people actually pay attention to it and it gets them sat down and quiet before the show starts.



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I have done a medly before, preshow. We got the band into the theatre and did a live recording of a medly of songs (the MD composed, basically snippets of the songs (music only) with a simple vamp in the middle where transitions were not smooth and no distinct begining or end), and we played it preshow.
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Not just pre-show music that can be played... I've used sound effects. Birdsong for a production of The Birds as a recent example.


I think the general principles are:

Not too intrusive

Sets the scene

Ideally different music for different shows. Playing the same music over and over will annoy a regular audience.

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I have done a medly before, preshow. We got the band into the theatre and did a live recording of a medly of songs (the MD composed, basically snippets of the songs (music only) with a simple vamp in the middle where transitions were not smooth and no distinct begining or end), and we played it preshow.


This must take some of the excitement out of the overture of the show though!


Actually pre-show music (and the repition of) might get a mention in the 'Pet Hates' thread in a bit. If you're going to play the same CD... Dont play the same track pre-show and before the second act!

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Having spent the last 3 summers working in hotels, with the same acts on a forntnightly rota, I have made a collection of 28 CD's of suitable music. Most of the audience were 40+ some yonger. The CD that was most popular, was one called "Coffee Bar" from a shop with an old record player and a dog.


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I've been to a few productions recently, and there seems to be quite a variation in what genre or type of music is played pre-show. So I was just wondering, what does everyone here (/the venues that everyone here works in) use?


(I'm not sure whether this is most appropriate in general tech or sound, so I posted it here)

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In the world of theatre, I push the director quite hard on this and insist that the music played before / during / after the show is part of the show, and they better work out what they want. I'm not beyond offering the odd suggestion, but at the end of the day its the directors call. Even normally quite megalomaniac directors can be quite reticent in this respect, and need to be booted into line.


I generally don't like after-show music, and unless either the Director insists, or I have a great suggestion(!) or there is an obvious almost mandatory piece to be played, the walkout is without music.


For other sorts of show, there typically isn't a director, and thus you can play whatever you like, my only advice being try to be sensitive to the audience you are about to receive. One of those classic classics CD is always usable, even when inappropriate, when browsing in the CD store get the one with a goodly number of tracks and the full 80 minutes!

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