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advice on a EQ?


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I often use an FBQ. However I use it only on radios, or moving wired mics (eg lead vocalist who likes to run around stage). I also often use them on monitors, where volume is more important that quality, to an extent.


I wouldn't use one on the main mix, firstly because at the budgets I work at the FBQs are behringers and the noise floor is pretty high, and secondly because I feel that I can do a better job with a half decent parametric EQ and a spare hour.


I know my frequencies reasonably well, through practice and too much playing with signal generators in electronics lessons.


I very rarely use a graphic EQ, as the bandwidth is too wide and to my ears is not tight enough for use against feedback without adversely affecting the sound.

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Please bear in mind that the following post is by a trained Lampie, but self trained in the art of sound!

I have used EV SX200's for a while, last year upgrading to a powered bass bin, and a Behringer DSP8024. This year I purchased the powered EV tops. Now the DSP8024 has to get out of the sound chain!

The hiss of the unit is untrue, even when the EQ is bypassed. I originally purchased the DSP because my Soundcraft 200b mixer does not have parametric EQ, and I wanted the DSP to find feedback potential and knotch it out. But now I require less EQ to get a true sound, and will swap EQ over to a spare Phonic, with no hiss, that I have, until funds are there for a proper EQ.

I once worked with a Sabine unit, and some components inside made the fuse vapourise, taking with it the left hand side PA speakers!


The real advantage of the DSP, is the lockout feature, which means curious fingers can't mess about with the settings. However, so does a blanking plate!

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