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Sennheiser evolution wireless interference problem.

Scouse Dave

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Hi Gang


We have never had any problems with our sennheiser wireless units before, but last night we were receiving faint music from somewhere. No music sources were being fed to the desk at the time.


We were using one of the four unlicenced frequencies...


The op changed the frequency and the music went away.


Where could this be coming from? - what else broadcasts in that part of the spectrum?




Dave M

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Anyone else in the vicinity with a radio mic or radio in ear monitor on that frequency. That includes most budget radio mics and anyone too stingy to buy a license for the other frequencies.
Sorry - I should have mentioned that we are in a residential area, the nearest place with entertainment (a pub) is about 5 mins brisk walk away.


I agree that it isn't beyond the realms of possibility but I really don't think it's that likely...


Dave M.

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How many people use wireless hifi/computer speakers?

Kids walkie talkies?

Wireless mic on a kareoke set?


I have found examples of all of those running on the unlicensed radio mic frequencies.


Or an engineer testing his gear at home.

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