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Did any one else see the Fogscreen at plasa this year, made by Fogscreen Inc. Well I thought it was pretty impressive so I thought I would try find a price on it. I would say it was worth 15, 20 meby 30 grand but not much more than that. The Grand total is nothing short of 60,000! I couldn't believe it, I could by a small flat for that! Has the world gone mad! :angry:
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What do you get for your cash? I don't think any effect is worth that.

Besides it will probably go down in due course. (I hope)

I doubt the price will change much. There was nothing "software" in it, and a huuuge number of fans!! As far as I could see it was all mechanical, so the only potential savings will be in scale manufacturing, and at that price it is unlikely!


I would have thought it was a bit uninspiring in a 2m effect, and you'd need several to make it really go WOW!

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I'm not convinced is that clear, I cant remember what it looked like at plasa but looking at that pic it looks pretty blurred to me. Also how much use is 2m x 2m! Good for things like musiums I suppose and small scale presentations things like that but for the stage (or atleast the productions that can afford it which are Large scale productions) Its way too small I think. I'm a big fan of all these effects that can make imaged float in mid air! Like what they did at the Olympic games in Athens with the DNA strand. I thought that was incredible. There is another fog screen out that can do a similar thing and comes in customisable sizes but I cant remember where I saw it!
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