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strand tempus problem - help/advice needed


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Hi - my first post and I could do with some advice. I'm using an alcora 12 channel desk into 2 tempus 12 dimmers via a strand demux. on 1 dimmer one channel is completely dead ( fuse OK) and on another it will fade up to about 70% and then black out if pushed higher.- which is all somewhat annoying. Could it be the triacs are dead ?


The dimmers are very old but in good condition.


Thanks for any help in advance



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Hi - my first post and I could do with some advice. I'm using an alcora 12 channel desk into 2 tempus 12 dimmers via a strand demux. on 1 dimmer one channel is completely dead ( fuse OK) and on another it will fade up to about 70% and then black out if pushed higher.- which is all somewhat annoying. Could it be the triacs are dead ?

No.1 sounds like it might well be a dead thyristor, yes.


No.2 - try softpatching the output to a different fader, and see if the problem still occurs. It sounds like it might possibly b e a break in the track inside the channel fader.

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If a channel goes off and on at all its unlikely to be a triac or thyristor problem, its more likely to be in the timing circuits. SCRs pretty much fail short or open.


Unfortunately, fixing these circuits is harder than replacing a dead output device, though to be honest, not too hard if you've got a schematic, a scope and passing familiarity with analogue electronics. An isolating transformer or RCD protection is also essential as you've really gotta work on these things live...

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Hi Duntokin


I'd definitly agree with Gareth, problem 2. does sound suspiciously like a fader problem.


I'm always drumming into my class, look for the obvious weak points, ie fuses and the second most common are any kind of moving component.


Problem 1. does indeed sound like a SCR problem, however there could be many more simpler faults, such as dry joints, broken cables, etc.



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