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Fat Frog Fade Times


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Anyone understand how the fade times on the fat frog 1 work ? Not had long to play with it but the fade times didnt seem to work. I have just moved from the sirius 48 or what ever it was called. It seems radically different and in the 10 minutes I had to play with it couldnt understand it.


Anyone able to explain from a 48 users point of view. its just we have a touring theatre in soon and they have asked for someone that understands the board as usual. Since we have just upgraded no one has a clue !! :)

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Take a look here for a dodgy animation I made to try and clarify this. Basically the difference between the Sirrius and the Fat Frog is that the Frog range do timings for the cue you are running, whereas the Sirrius did timings for a cue in and out.


So, on the Fat Frog, if you set the time for Cue2 to 10 seconds up and down, it will take the channels from Cue 1 down in 10 seconds and the channels in Cue2 up in 10 seconds. Make sense?

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CUE 1 5down/10up Cue 2 60down/1up Cue 3


So between Cue 1 and 2, the lights going down will do so in 5 seconds, those going up will do so in 10. These times are recorded with Cue 2. Think of each cue as the transition into the new "look"...


This subject really screwed with my brain when I first met a memory desk all those years ago. I still twitch when the Minack's Strand M24 is mentioned!

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Thanks for the help !! I understand now should be able to use it tomorrow now !!


Sorry so used to the old 48 its a whole new world !!


What does shot mean ? And LTP fade ? Does ltp fade mean the speed at which the colours ect change with movers ?


I am so sorry about sounding like an idiot I am more of a sound person and have only really used analogue desks before.

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What does LTP fade mean ?

LTP = Latest Take Precedence


It means that unless you expressly tell your scroller to change colour, it won't run to the end each time you fade to black.


HTP = Highest Take Precedence Your lantern will be as bright as the highest fader controlling it no matter whether that is the main playback, a sub, or an effect.


Hmm... Me thinks that a question has been edited out somewhere in the time it took me to answer it!!

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I still dont really understand LTP why is its default set to 3 then on the frog ? Surely you would wnat it set to 0 so that the colour scrollers didnt do anything ?


Could you also explain what dwell means too ?

CUE 1 5down/10up Cue 2 60down/1up Cue 3


So between Cue 1 and 2, the lights going down will do so in 5 seconds, those going up will do so in 10. These times are recorded with Cue 2. Think of each cue as the transition into the new "look"...


Does that also mean that between cues 2 and 3 the lights from cue 2 will take 60s to go down and the lights for cue 3 will take 1 second to go up ?

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Does that also mean that between cues 2 and 3 the lights from cue 2 will take 60s to go down and the lights for cue 3 will take 1 second to go up ?

Thats right!

A dwell, depending on the desk and I don't know the Frog, inserts a pause. For example, you could fade a light up, wait 10 secs and then fade down.

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I have read through all of the above posts in this thread and not all the explanations are strictly accurate :)


If you have any questions about memories, fade times, LTP operation, dwell times etc. on the Fat Frog then please post them on the Zero 88 Product Support Forum. There is a category there for the Frog Series of desks CLICK HERE


I suspect that many of your questions will already have been asked, and indeed answered :nerd:

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Thanks for all of your help no doubt I would have worked it out myself !!


Such quick replies, I should have probably read the manual but thats not manuals are for is it ?? :** laughs out loud **:

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