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ACT6 Digitals Buzzing

Ben Langfeld

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I'm going to phone Stage Electrics on monday and ask them to come down and have a look.
Asking if they would be prepared to come and look at an installation is not issuing any kind of contract. Simple as.

Err, NOT what you wrote, is it? It might be what you meant to write; this indicates the necessity to use accurate English if nothing else!


You wrote that you were "going to ask SE to have a look"; that is a chargeable job as far as they would be concerned. What would you have done if they had said "Yes"? Would you have said "Oh sorry, but I'm only a student and can't place orders"?

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OK time to, I'm afraid agree with every one else; lets put it like this:


If you had spent a large amount of time training and learning how to check dimmers for any faults and advise a means of repair, you have then been employed by a large company (in our industry I would call Stage Electrics a large company) and you get a call asking you to drive, what may be a long distance, and to basically carry out what you have been trained to do. Would you not expect some kind of payment, if not only for the petrol cost of getting to the site?


Sorry to agree with every one, but they are right!



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Stop telling me to listen to what you're saying, when you quite obviously aren't taking any notice of me. Asking if they would be prepared to come and look at an installation is not issuing any kind of contract. Simple as. You don't need to be a professional anything to understand that.

You're asking the service department of a company to attend a site and carry out an inspection of installed equipment which they neither supplied nor installed in order to identify/diagnose a possible fault, and you expect that to not be a chargeable service?? Righty-ho, off you go. Their phone number is 0117 982 7282. Don't forget to let us know what they say.


I'm just gonna ignore your posts in the rest of this thread, because you clearly cannot or are unwilling to actually read my posts. I've edited my previous post just to ensure what I actually typed is clear enough for you.


Andrew C: I do apologise, it does seem to be a mis-interpretation, but still, I've clarified my point over and over, and yet, people still don't seem to understand. *sighs* Ah well.



OK time to, I'm afraid agree with every one else; lets put it like this:


If you had spent a large amount of time training and learning how to check dimmers for any faults and advise a means of repair, you have then been employed by a large company (in our industry I would call Stage Electrics a large company) and you get a call asking you to drive, what may be a long distance, and to basically carry out what you have been trained to do. Would you not expect some kind of payment, if not only for the petrol cost of getting to the site?


Sorry to agree with every one, but they are right!




But payment is completely beside the point, we're not up to that stage (for the purposes of this thread) yet. I was asking if they would (ie. is it a service they would offer), not actually asking them to do it.

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OK first things first I really advise against telling a moderator that you will ignore all there posts, it may upset them a little. Mind you I hold Gareth in high regards so I don't think he will get to mad, all the guys I know from North Wales are great, I live right next to it!


At the end of the day people here are, and excuse me for being blunt, trying to save you from embarrassing your self, or getting your self in a lot of trouble!


EDIT: OK well I think I kind of understand what you're saying, you want ask if coming out to check dimmers is a service that they offer no more, the problem is that unless you have specific instruction to do that you are still in risky stepping if not over the line all together.

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I've also just realised, the last two pages of this thread are really useless crap that never really needed to be discussed in the first place. No wonder I've hardly posted on this forum in the past. When I finally do, I get bombarded by people who are more interested in getting one up on the last that the topic is forgotten.


OK first things first I really advise against telling a moderator that you will ignore all there posts, it may upset them a little. Mind you I hold Gareth in high regards so I don't think he will get to mad, all the guys I know from North Wales are great, I live right next to it!


At the end of the day people here are, and excuse me for being blunt, trying to save you from embarrassing your self, or getting your self in a lot of trouble!


I am sorry I ever considered questioning a moderator (sir), I'll never do it again. :unsure:


Trying to get back on topic, but I don't think it's gonna happen, so can someone please close this thread, as we are now dealing with strand directly over this issue, and no longer require the input of blue-room members. Thank you.

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Trying to get back on topic, but I don't think it's gonna happen, so can someone please close this thread, as we are now dealing with strand directly over this issue, and no longer require the input of blue-room members. Thank you.


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