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Starbursts On Tv...


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Just watching Late Night Sport on Five (brillant if you like US sport) and I've just noticed them panning over a bank of Par 64's. Now of course you got that 'starburst' (I think it's Starburst, I'm sure someone will correct me if wrong) effect, where the light kind of shoots out from the light towards any given direction, and noitceably so.


I'm sure I don't need to explain this too much as I can't be the only one who notices it on TV.


Same happens with the PixelPars on the Lottery etc.


Anyway so my question is, why does this happen? Is it to do with the cameras, or the light? Or something else.


Anyway back to the boxing...



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I believe (and may very well be wrong) that it is something to do with a special coating on the lenses of the cameras. I get a similar effect if I walk along a street at night in the winter when its raining, wearing my glasses. The water kind of "diffuses" the light and it goes all pretty. So thats my educated guess. And very pretty it is too. Even if you do watch Channel 5 **WIERDO ALERT**
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Same happens with the PixelPars on the Lottery etc.

FYI: I think its Chroma Banks on the lottery, last time I watched.

Ah well it's all LEDs at the end of the day!



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All cameras have a handful of filters behind the lans, ND's and CC's for the most but you do have a handful of "effects" that is like frosts with the centre cut out and polarisation filters that make ligfht sources streak in a bethlehem star like effect. You can with some cameras select if you want 4 points or 8!



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Aaah - new I could find one somewhere - This is the effect you are talking about isn't it?


Oh and someone should get in trouble over this photo - A still shot from totp with no branding in frame? can't be good! :unsure: Oh well - maybe standards weren't as high in those days!

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That's exactly it James. Studying with the things I should be able to tell you really (!) but James got there first - it's all down to the filters put in front of the camera - pop over to Lee and click on either of the photos there, the popup window will show you before and after shots using filters! That's only photographic cameras though.......!





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Quote from Mr Partridge of XTC (great band) on the Old Gray Whistle Test: "You can put your acid spangle thing in now, Mr Director" (possibly referring to this very effect in about 1979, I think). SPort (and in particular wrestling) nicking the innovations of the rock 'n' roll world again????
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SPort (and in particular wrestling) nicking the innovations of the rock 'n' roll world again????

Perhaps, this was ESPN's coverage of The Fight of the Week as filmed earlier in the week in the US (and imported by Five) - and I seem to remember alot of Starbursts and the like going on in WWF and WCW (as they were when I was a kid! :** laughs out loud **:) you might be right there...



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