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Strand xConnect oddness


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Had a slightly frustrating time with my xConnect dongle the other day, wondered whether anyone could shed any light on it ...


I was using my usual setup (wireless-enabled Dell laptop with dongle, Netgear WAP, crossover cable), trying to connect to a 520i running 2.6d. I could look at both the console displays using the net video slots, but couldn't get any life from either the console monitor or console login options. These options have worked fine for me in the past, and I was using the exact same combination of hardware and network settings this time, but to no avail. I even tried bypassing the wireless element and hooking the console straight into the laptop's ethernet port with the crossover cable - same result.


Any ideas as to what the cause of this problem might have been? Thinking back, I have a feeling that this might be the first time I've tried using xConnect to log in to a console running anything older than 2.8.x - would the fact that the console software was 2.6d have made a difference?

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You are right gareth I use xconnect all the time usually on my 520i runnuning 2.8.5 when I have used other peoples consoles using 2.6 it hates it I would say upgrade now


opera north

Interesting to note that 2.6 seems to have issues with xConnect - never encountered that before. I'll add it to my list of "xConnect issues" and badger Strand one more time, I think!


(By the way, it's all very well saying "upgrade now" - but it's a bit tricky when, like me, you're a touring proddy LX and it's not your console to upgrade! I can't force venue chief LXs to upgrade their software, can I? :** laughs out loud **:)

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Interesting to note that 2.6 seems to have issues with xConnect - never encountered that before. I'll add it to my list of "xConnect issues" and badger Strand one more time, I think!


I think its less that it has issues, more that it just doesn't support it. xConnect requires software support from the console to function - its a very different beast from the 'network video slot' stuff that's been available for ages. If your console isn't running a software version that knows about xConnect then neither login nor monitor will work.



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xConnect's 'net video' mode works by picking up the same video data as the SN video nodes use. They've worked forever and that's why you're seeing that work in xConnect.


xConnect 'login' and 'monitor' modes need new functionality in the console itself to work. That functionality first appeared with (I think) software version 2.6.15 - certainly later than 2.6d. That, I'm afraid, is why your dongle isn't doing what you'd like it to do.....





(PS: No, you can't force people to upgrade their desks, but please encourage them gently..... there seems to be a theory in some circles that Strand issue new software to make their products worse, and, unsurprisingly, that's not usually true. And since the upgrades are free it seems silly not to take them......)

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