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flag firing fifles


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we are having to source/ make five rifles that fire out american flags for a production of 'Gypsy' has anybody out there any ideas /blue prints/ stock?

we've come up with some ideas but if anyone knows of a fool proof method we'd welcome any advise :)

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try your local joke shop to see if they have the pistol version, then see if the construction method works on a bigger scale. from memory, I think the barrel is split in two lengthways, with a sprung hinge (the sort of spring on an old fashioned mousetrap might do it) at the end the "bullet" would come out of. So the flag doesn't actually come out of the end of the barrel, it "unfolds" when the trigger releases a catch. Of course the jokey ones are made out of very lightweight materials, so your rifle barrel may be too bulky for this to work. Also, try PMing W/robe on this forum, as he's been posting on another thread about Gypsy costumes.
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As above, probably easy enough to make your own.


From the small pistol version (I have/had one somewhere that says 'bang'), should be easy enough to make a rifle version.


Bear in mind that the 'trigger' actually unclips the barrel, allowing it to spring open - so whatever length the barrel starts it will end up twice that length when sprung open. Unless you work out your own modification of this.


Also, put two bits of dowel or similar into the hem at the bottom of the flag, this gives it weight so it will unfold when 'fired'. You use two bits because, as it is hinged in the middle, the flag will be rolled up and folded in half inside the barrel.


Edit: as I discovered when looking for a pirate flag, you'll find all manner of flags on ebay, very cheap - I found two jolly rogers both 2x3 feet for a fiver.

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