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Martin 2510 Dmx Controller


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For the last few months I've been tinkering with Martin Lightjockey on my PC, I've bought four cheap DMX scanners and I've been looking for DMX PC software and interface.



Iv'e just noticed the Martin DMX 2510 Controller and looks quite good. It will control enought fixtures, connects serially to Martin Lightjocky on my PC for software downloads, and it's standalone for when I lend my lights to friends and family for the lights.


Now it looks just like what I need on paper, has anyone had any practical expieriences of this ? Can you recomend it ? It seems quite well prices at only £250


Thanks in advance




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did you mean the Martin DMX 2518? I cant seem to find any info on the 2510.


if you did mean the 2518 then its only 72 DMX channels, althought this seems like a lot and is if you are using scanners are you sure that this is all you will be using? if you start going into some of the moving fixtures you may well be using 12 or 13 channels per fixture, then 72 only divides down to 5 fixtures. just somthing to think about, its only £250 you say which is not that much but are you going to have to upgrade in 6 months as its not big enough for your needs?

if so then why not spend more now and try to save your self in the long run.

alternitavly if you are sure you will only be using scanners for the time being then its not a lot of money so I would say go for it.


hope this helps in some way



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Maplin do a 192 DMX channel panel for £149.99, although aimed at Disco

I've used it to run 4 x Prospot 250LX (16 channels per lantern), CC250 Colour changers (4 channels per lantern) , scrollers etc. One can program 30 banks of 8 scenes within each bank. As a budget system IMHO its not that bad as an introduction to controlling DMX kit.


One day we may all have Whole Hogs or Frogs but we've got to start somewhere and dream...... <_< Oh! and do it the hard way.... but great for learning!

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  • 2 weeks later...

2510 is an ok bit of kit, depends entirely on the application, used to use them for install into venues where they didn't want to pay the sort of money for a real lighting controller. Very useful for effect lighting with scanners, have had problems with downloading data to it on occasion, have a friend who still uses one for hiring his pro 1220's and used to use one for my 812's.


However unless I'm mistaken, (or they've changed it's protocol) it only outputs Martin protocol, RS 485. But can be used to convert DMX RS 232 to RS 485


Will send you my copy of the PDF user manual if you wish


Hope that helps



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