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C Venues Thread


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Hi there all


Sorry to not be in contact earlier but I have been away from my machine for the last couple of days running around sorting things out.


There have been some questions asked as to the reason for removal of the 'C venues' thread from this site.


I was advised that certain contents of the thread could be considered defamatory and could leave the Blue Room open to legal action. As I am the legal owner of the domain, and the space it is held on I considered it necessary to remove the thread immediatly.


Sadly, as mentioned above, I was extremely busy at that time, and struggled to make time to even get near the machine, let alone post any explanation.


I apologise for this, but I am afraid that I do not want to be in a position where I could be sued!! :angry:


I do want to assure people that in no ways do I wish to be seen to be censoring the site, or limiting peoples right to free speach. Had I of had more time I would have taken care to remove only those items which could pose problems, sadly this time was not available as mentioned before.


Any ways, what's done is done. If people wish to discuss this further then please feel free to contact me via PM.





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