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flat speakers

Rich newby

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OT aside for which I hope you will all pardon me....


One of the best "audio assignments" I've ever had was back in the late 1970s when a young lady of my acquaintance asked me to go to France with her to help her Godmother choose a new hi-fi for her library. When we got there, it turned out the "Godmother" lived in a huge chateau outside Tours and the "library" was a converted barn in which she wanted to give "Phonograph concerts" for her friends.


Ignoring the delights of the aforementioned young lady and 5 days in a chateau with a lovely wine cellar, the budget for this install was "whatever it takes, mon cher!".


My solution was stacked Quad electrostatic (flat panel...see there WAS a vaguely relevant point!) speakers (3 per side) plus a large sub disguised as a coffee table.


The ESLs plus the natural acoustic of the room made this the best sounding system I've ever put anywhere. Ever. Anywhere.


(And just to try it out, the Godmother hired a string quartet to play live then played the same piece off vinyl. My system sounded like the live musicians. I was happy.)



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