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Stage blood that doesn't fade to pink?


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Can anyone suggest a type of stage blood that doesn't turn pink and look very un-bloodlike after a few minutes? I've been using Ben Nye stage blood zesty mint flavor and it looks great when it's first applied, but within a few minutes it turns pink and looks pretty stupid. Can anyone suggest something that looks good to start with and keeps looking good for a while?

Also I'm trying to find a few theater related forums to post to. Can anyone suggest some other good ones, if that's not inappropriate to ask about here?

Thanks for any help!
Maine, USA

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Controlbooth is effectively the US version of this forum.  

In terms of stage blood, I’ve always found that makeup artists or prop managers have their own recipes - I used to work with a makeup artist who swore by adding blue tinted dish soap - which also meant it washed out much more easily.  Maybe contact some props departments of big opera companies and see if they can help - opera seems to have a lot of stage blood so they’re experts!

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I used to use a mixture of Boots own brand red food colouring mixed with swarfega and cornflour to make washable stage blood.  Experiment with quantities as I can't remember the ratio.  Bear in mind that this was many years ago and the recipe for the food colouring has probably changed - try a test piece before upsetting your wardrobe department.

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