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Clarify Rigging Technique


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Hi, im fairly new to rigging and would just like some clarification that what I am going to do is safe. I want to hang a 2m scaffold bar so I can hang some generics and maybe a few movers and a projector for a local event in a school hall.


How I am thinking of doing it is.... using a girder clamp with eye on bottom, clamping onto the standard "I" shape girder then using a bow shaccle hang a 3m drift wire then wraping this round the scaffold and using another bow shaccle to secure. (doing this on each end of the 3m scaffold)


Do I need to use spansets or not ?


Hope that is clear.


John Partridge


Always risky posting answers to these ones, as always there will be many opinions and much discussion, but in essence you are going the right way. An approved clamp to the I beam, with a drift is a good start, but wrapping round the scaff bar - I'd worry about this a little, because of the possiblility of the bar moving sideways. Better to use a proper hanging device - either a simple clamp with eye for the shackle, or something like a doughty clamp with built in eye. The drift, used with certified shackles, not the hardware shop commercial versions, would work. Buy some made up drifts and harware and you are there. If you are competent, make up the drifts yourself? If not, then buying them is sensible.


You need to convince yourself and the owners, that what you are doing is safe. If you cannot prove it - then it probably isn't.


In my experience, buying drifts is far easier than making your own, unless you have a proper cutting device. Bolt croppers, as I know too well, are NOT the proper tool.


The only thing I can tell you from what you have said is DO NOT wrap the wire rope (assuming that is what you are using) around the bar. Speaking purely from a lifting equipment perspective it is seen as totally incorrect practice and could get you in the deep brown stuff (I can see HSE types having a fit as we speak).


Sorry if this comes across a bit finger wagging, but it would get you in deep trouble if anything went wrong.


As suggested, use clamps to the I beam and scaff bar and buy your sets certified from a manufacturer. They are easy to supply and you should be able to get them made up for a few pounds each.


Think of it as an arse covering exercise. Let someone else take the risk when it comes to making slings up, they are fairly cheap and should come certified. That way you minimise the risks to yourself.


As I say, I can only talk from a Lifting Equipment suppliers perspective, not as a rigger. For what it is worth, I would get someone in with the experience & confidence to do the job right first time. That way you can learn by doing it right.


Hope this helps.


So ok....


Use a Girder clamp to clamp onto the I girder.

Shaccle through eyelette on bottom of clamp

Drift wire in shaccle






Shaccle in bottom eye of drift wire

Scaffold eye clamp

Shaccle in scaffold eye clamp


Should that be ok??

Hope ive described it ok

I will be hiring the equipment from a Stage Electrics or buying them myself ,unsure at this time.


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