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Fading in and out using the e and f macros in Magicq


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New here and trying to upskill. I am producing an amdram show and am also doing the lighting. I am using the MagicQ desktop software - no console. 


I have programmed a show before using this but now want to increase the functionality I can offer to the show (it is mine after all). 

I am creating individual lighting states, no chases, and am moving through them using cue Stack utilising the E and F macros.

What I would like to do is fade between these lighting states as the next line in the stack is activated. Can I code the macro to fade out the previous cueid as the current one fades in?

I've looked at the macro menu but, honestly, I'm very confused.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Exactly. Just set to cue timing, set a fade time and step through the cues. I'm assuming they're in a cue stack already. If they aren't, they probably should be. 


EDIT: Sorry, I just noticed you clearly said they were in a stack. So yes, all you need to do is set fade times. If you need to adjust fade times on the fly then you can use the crossfader. 

Edited by electronicsuk
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1 hour ago, keironhalcorn said:

I am producing an amdram show

Quite possibly you’re directing it. You’re only producing it if you’re stumping up the cash. I suspect your AmDram group are paying for it, so the AmDram group is the producer.

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Thanks all for commenting and I appreciate the time taken. I understand your advice, but the way I have structured it (same lighting state used multiple times) I have found it easier to call the cue and release it as I go (I won't be running the desk so need it to be on a go button).

Are you able to tell me if it is possible to code the fade in and out using a macro?

I will look at the fade time too as you have suggested


@kgellan - how does commenting on my role assist in this question?

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2 hours ago, keironhalcorn said:

 I understand your advice, but the way I have structured it (same lighting state used multiple times) I have found it easier to call the cue and release it as I go (I won't be running the desk so need it to be on a go button).

Are you able to tell me if it is possible to code the fade in and out using a macro?

I will look at the fade time too as you have suggested

I'm still not sure I understand. If you want to use the same lighting state multiple times then you can go into your cue store and copy the same cue into multiple different positions in your cue stack. All you need to do then is set fade time and press go every time you want to move on to the next cue.

If you really insist on jumping back and forth in the cue stack then you can select the cue you want, press the 'preload cue' soft button and then the preloaded cue will release next time you press go. If you've set a fade time then this will still work with preload. However, it seems like a lot of unnecessary work.

Edited by electronicsuk
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13 hours ago, electronicsuk said:

I'm still not sure I understand. If you want to use the same lighting state multiple times then you can go into your cue store and copy the same cue into multiple different positions in your cue stack. All you need to do then is set fade time and press go every time you want to move on to the next cue.

If you really insist on jumping back and forth in the cue stack then you can select the cue you want, press the 'preload cue' soft button and then the preloaded cue will release next time you press go. If you've set a fade time then this will still work with preload. However, it seems like a lot of unnecessary work.

Thanks for the clarification. I understand what you are suggesting and that is what I was thinking I would have to do in this case. Hopefully it works as I want it to 🙂

Again. Thank you for you time and patience.

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Something else to add to your armoury, if you are repeating a lot of lighting states is Linked Cues. By default, when you copy a cue the copy is a separate cue (unlinked) so if you modify one copy it doesn't affect the others. However, if you copy as a linked cue then changing one copy changes all of them. Can't remember the exact procedure but at least that gives you some keywords to search in the manual.

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On 5/28/2022 at 1:23 PM, kgallen said:

Quite possibly you’re directing it. You’re only producing it if you’re stumping up the cash. I suspect your AmDram group are paying for it, so the AmDram group is the producer.

Am-dram doesn't always work that way; I have worked with large & small groups where the person directing the show is also the Producer, Chair of the Committee & Founder of the group.

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  • 2 weeks later...

This is a rough idea of cue structure when plotting a show.. if your creating it, its worth breaking it down to make programming easier as you'll know what's an exact copy or what needs changing. hope this helps. - I do this for Am Dram/Pro Productions/gigs/corp shows/it makes it simple to tack changes and a quick blind plotting too.


Cue 001 - Blackout

Cue 002 - Preset (add 3sec fade) in cue line on stack

Cue 003 - Sc1 (add 3sec fade)

Cue 004 - Sc2 (add fade)

Cue 005 - Sc3 (same as sc1 so copy (take note of DrV's linked/unlinked cues can be helpful but also a hinderance)

Cue 006 - Sc4

Cue 007 - Sc5 (same as Sc1 but with different colour perhaps, check unlinked cue if this is the case)

Cue 008 - Blackout (copy of Cue001)

Cue 009 - Curtain call

Cue 010 - preset v2 for walk out....

Cue 011 - light for de-rig/out

Cue 500 - Rig check cue

Cue 997 - Reset/lamp on

Cue 998 - Reset/lamp off


hope this helps a little

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