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Jands Event Offline Editor


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Hello forum,


I've got a particular issue. Jands produced the workhorse Event Range which as two preset DMX memory boards go aren't too bad. However if you have the disk back-up option, as we do, and if you wanted to offline edit your cue list or patch information, say to produce a cue synposis or patch sheet, then it is impossible, other than to manually transcribe.

Jands tech have stopped development of the platform and never developed such a program.

They claim that the data is stored in a proprietory format which makes it unreadable (read editable) via PC or Mac.

My question is in two parts. How many others out there use these beasts and would find this utility useful and secondly has anyone hacked an Event disk / data and been able to port the data across to something editable?






PS anyone there know tricky dik wellard from VL? if so could you post some current contact details or let him know that I'm keen to make contact once more (as are his 80's 12" ' s)

home of votedave

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There is an Event Offline Editor that was designed for use with the Event 4 console range ie the Event 408 and the Event 416.

It is freeware and was only ever really designed for preparation of shows ie building patch information and creating palletes for moving lights, it is not in anyway a playback unit.

Not sure whether this helps as I don't know which version of the Event you are using.


Best Regards


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Thanks for your response. Our desk is the original event range, the 48ch Event, and all I want to do is spit out post / show documentation, of course it would be great to do offline patch / scene edit then upload but I'd be happy with the ability to simply print out my scene states.

As stated I have spoken to Jands service and there's no real hope there, however, my friend the local service tech likes the idea as a little software development exercise so we may soon have some resolution, depends on Jands tech preciousness on information regarding the formatting of the disk based data.



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