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Sony Vegas


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I did a search, couldn't find an existing topic on this particular software so here goes!


Has anyone used Sony Vegas? as a video editting suite? - I'm looking to buy the package with the vegas and the dvd authoring software bundled together.


This is so much cheaper than Premiere 6 / pro which I've used before,


anyway, my mum wants to buy some software for our computer as we have currently not got any working on our new pc and we have a couple of things to edit.


Has anyone used the software?

What are your thoughts?


Ta very much,



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I have met various people who love vegas (I'm happy with Avid and Premiere)


The things they like are the intuitive interface and the fact that you can run multiple programmes at the same time. So you could run a copy and let it do some rendering or other task, while you run another copy and do some more editing.


Down side is that it is well know for having very slow rendering times. Premiere isn't quick, but looks like a racehorse compared to vegas. It does integrate with sound forge rather nicely, so editing the audio tracks is quite simple - as in avid with protools.


I've tweaked your post, Mr Si - I'm sure you'll work out why.



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  • 2 weeks later...

So you have STOLEN software and are complaining about having to pay £37 to open up features you shouldn't even have access to!!



Not something Blue Room members usually care to brag about.


As someone who has just signed a cheque for an Avid and a Final Cut system, I personally think stolen software stinks.


Even more laughable is when 'cracked' sofware gets criticised for crashing, and gets 'knocked' when someone asks for help in choosing, as has happened a few times before.

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