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Replacement for Bose 402s

Andrew C

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Even though we have a number of EON 15s at Uni, I have to say that


a) their frequency response tends towards a disco "smile"


b) case ergonomics is poor - you pick it up by the single handle, wrap your hand around to grab the other side and wrench the volume pots off.....


c) it has to be cased or jammed in the pack because of its shape - it rolls around the van otherwise.


d) the back is pretty well butt ugly ;-)


Apart from that...  they're fine!



All I can say is... yes, apart from D, where I feel that the whole thing is pretty well butt ugly! But they are much clearer sounding than our 15-20yr old 402s.

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OK sorry I misunderstood I thought you wanted reasonable price & sound and not asthtetics That being so Martin do make stuff other than wavefront and in a reasonable size for portability The EM series are good for vocal reinforcment/reproduction.
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How about HZ? I am currently using a pair of HZ HE200 cabs for a small band which can get quite loud at times and the cabs do their stuff very well - A number of people have come up to me at the end of a gig with questions such as 'what are they' / 'how does something so small sound so good/loud' etc.


They have a single 12" & horn in a very lightweight, but non-resonant plastic cab. They have a comfortable side handle & weigh about 12kg each - meaning you can easily carry one in each hand, suitcase style. I changed to the Hzs after a pair of Bose 802's which I always felt sounded clear but a bit thin & lacking in warmth.




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