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COB Pars - Prolight vs LEDJ vs ADJ

Paul O

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I'm looking to replace my ageing Stairville LED Stage Pars (18x3W RGB 40deg beam) with a new batch of fixtures for general stage wash duties. The Stage Pars have been really useful workhorse units over the years with a surprisingly good, even output with no colour fringing. The only thing that ever let them down was the steppy dimming at the bottom end.


However after nearly 10 years of regular use in venues large and small they are starting to become unreliable so I'm starting to look at replacing them with a more modern fixture.


As I mostly light amdram musicals my budget is quite tight and realistically I'm looking at fixtures around the £250 mark and ideally looking to buy 16 of them to evenly cover larger stages.


I rather like the look of the COB fixtures with variable angle lenses and there appear to be three very similar models out there:


Prolights studio cob 150W RGB


ADJ Cob Cannon Wash 150W RGBA


I've seen the Prolights units which looks very nice, the LEDJ and ADJ versions look to be very similar, but cheaper. Are they worth looking at or are they disappointing by comparison? Has anyone used the ADJ/LEDJ versions?


Are there any other budget-friendly COB fixtures that are worth looking at?

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