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A bit of an odd one...


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Right then boys and girls,


This is possibly one of the stranger things to be asked on here but I'm sure someone will be able to assist!


We've just finished our panto season which featured 96 shows worth of instant mash being thrown around.

The scene took place on a tarp which was hosed down by the crew between shows. The problem we've now discovered is that the theatre garden is a smelly grey mashy bog!

We've tried saturating the garden, digging it over and even removing a layer of soil. But everytime it rains we find ourselves knee deep in a mashy swamp...


Any ideas?





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That'll learn you! When we washed tarps from the Geodomes we did it on the pea gravel drive and the mud etc filtered down through the gravel. In your case the damage is done and just be grateful it is not hot and sunny. (Phew!)


All I can suggest is a visit to your friendly farmer, a pick up full of straw and a very long time stamping it in before removing and composting elsewhere.

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fleabay link


Dig the potato waste into the top part of the soil, and sprinkle with compost accelerator of which "garotta" is the best known brand. Addition of this material will greatly accelerate the natural process of decay and turn the waste into harmless compost.


Add water if the weather is unusually dry, but otherwise leave well alone.






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  • 2 weeks later...
Keep the mess in case of war, civil unrest, natural disaster, or terrorist attack ! (remembers English translation of a German civil defence pamphlet that recommended stocks of "destroyed potatoes" amongst other items for such contingencies)
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