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ChamSys QuickQ 10


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Looking for anyone with real experience on one of these consoles. Trying to see how many control channels they have. For example on our ETC Expression 3 or Element 2 we have the 1st 96 control channels patched 1 to 1 to our ETC SENSOR 48 dimmer rack. Plus, we have been putting an increasing number of multi parameter devices ranging from simple RGB LED lamps to 10 DMX address consuming moving heads. I have the software demo on my desktop and the manual but can't really see how to reproduce the Element command "82 @ 5" which would put control channel to 20% and in turn (patched 1 to1 ) dimmer with the DMX address of 82 to 50%.

This is a UK board hence asking in blue room.

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I'm adding to my original because I discovered I was using MagicQ and not QuickQ demo program. I found I could patch 96 dimmers to consecutive DMX addresses OK - good news. But! Some questions came up;

In my patch program I have all 96 across the top ready to drag into the Layout. However I can only see out to 38 and the rest are off screen! How do I drag, say 81 or 90 into the Layout.

If the faders can operate channels 1 through 20, are they "paged" IE can I prime them to look at channels 40 through 60?

Can I (like on most consoles) type in something like 87 @ 5 to give me 50% on DMX 87?

I'm posting this around 9pm EDT (4am in the UK) hoping to get an answer win (my) morning.


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If you are using magicQ, then if you are using a 1:1 patch, the control syntax is asn you found - straightforward and it actually copes with many mangled syntax attempts too. Not sure what you mean by 'patch program'? Was Magicq can handle thousands of fixtures or dimmers in a patch - seeing everything is always impossible - but you normally would never want to - especially with heads with attributes when out of maybe 20 attributes, only one - intensity is kind of useful to see? You need to get used to the concept of palettes - clumps of similar useful things. So while 1 thru 90 full works fine, in groups you can cluster useful things together - so maybe bars, if you work that way. a group for Foh bar 1, or circle bar or lx1,2,3 etc - add in booms, or stuff on the ground, and to make things happen, bash bar 1,2,3 and 4 and press full.


I suspect you are setting things up your own way so we can't quite think what you mean. Magicq even lets you set up and output screen with a graphical representation of where each light is - you can then even select the this way.


Worth also noting that DMX numbers and head numbers will end up different when you start adding lots of lights.


What are you stuck on that we can help with - not quite sure from your description of the problem. have you patched them, but can't see them, or not patched them?

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The QuickQ 10 uses a graphical interface, so control is mainly via touch screen based graphics and physical faders, rather than the keypad entry you are used to...


If you intend using a QuickQ for moving lights, I understand that the QuickQ 20 is better suited for this...

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Possibly also worth saying that QuickQ is a very different thing to MagicQ. Running the MagicQ PC software will not help you with QuickQ.

Also maybe worth pointing out that "number of channels" is not really a concept once you move away from ETC desks. A "channel" on most non-ETC desks refers to a DMX control channel, so what you call a "multi parameter device" will take up several channels. QuickQ and MagicQ use the term "Fixture" for what ETC call a "Channel". Confusing stuff.


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Are we still talking about when you accidentally used Magicq software or the quickQ? I'm confused now. (easy done, to be honest)



Thank you. I'm talking about the "QuickQ" software because that is what is what is now on the consoles..

I will try to rephrase my questions. (I'm assuming based, based on your answer you are a QuickQ 10 or 20 user)


In the home screen I can pull channels (whatever) into the Layout (we call it "Magic Sheet").

However, having patched 1 thru 96 dimmers to DMX 1 thru 96 I there is only space in the top row for 1 - 32 boxes. I have tried page right etc. to see higher numbers to no avail.



1/ How do I pull, say # 74 onto the layout?

2/ Is the only way to set - let's say put chan 18 to 100% to highlight it in Layout and pull up a fader. Could I not enter 19 @ 100%?

3/ What about patched fixtures above 20!? Is there a button or menu option whereby I can point the 20 faders away from 1 -20 nd to 21 - 40, 41 - 60 and so on. I.E Am I restricted to controlling ONLY the 1st 20 via faders?

I appreciate you input

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The quick q doesn’t do command line programming. The physical desks do not have a number pad, selection of fixtures / channels is from the touchscreen. From the patch window you can swipe left and right in the bar with the boxes that represent channels, but from there you need to build them into a layout on the screen. You can then select channels from the touchscreen.


If you want command line style programming you will need a magic q desk, not a quick q

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