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da_OSC Software

David Duffy

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When I was adding OSC control capability to MultiPlay 3, I needed a way to send it OSC messages. I had a look around for something existing but they were either dead links, needed Java to work, etc.


So I've written a little Windows program called da_OSC. Currently it lets you compose an OSC message with up to 4 arguments and send it to a specific host, port and address.


You may find it useful for confirming what messages your OSC enabled hardware or software accepts.


I'll probably add an OSC monitor window to it in due course so you can see what OSC messages are being sent as well.


Version of da_OSC is available now on the da-Share web site.

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A very handy little tool! Used it on a job site today to test OSC Control in Medialon! It worked like a charm!


Thanks! I'll be adding this to my E-Toolbox!

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I wrote yet another related app today called da_Launcher. You can send it OSC messages to launch a program the same way the Launch cues in MultiPlay already do. So now you'll be able to use the new OSC cues in MultiPlay 3 to launch things on other computers on the same network. I'll release that one this week.
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I wish that had been available a couple of months ago. I ended up using QLab to test OSC functionality on a Raspberry Pi which I was controlling via VNC on a Windows 7 machine. It's hard enough to remember which mouse and keyboard to use but add in three different Operating Systems and my brain was melting.
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