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S1-D AC Triac DMX Dimmer - any experience?


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Does anyone have any experience with the S1-D AC Triac DMX Dimmer (currently for sale at Amazon for about £25)?


It boast both stand-alone and DMX control for up to 2 channels of single-colour LED 240v lamps.


The instructions are very vague and, whilst they explain how to enter the various set-up parameters, there is no indication (that I can see) of how to enter stand-alone or DMX mode. The lamp I have attached to the unit just cycles through the various states.


Additionally, when I put a continuity meter across the DMX terminal connections (powered-down), they show a short across all connections.


Any explanations that can be offered will be much appreciated.





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Sunricher manual for similar driver




Between that and the Amazon multi listing , think its a listing error, S1-D looks like its 2 output DMX driver, next one over the S1-B is remote control but no DMX.


Do get drivers with both options but generally shy away from them, dinnae want them switching modes at inappropriate moment.


Unless on very low Ohm range ,inputs may appear short on a multimeter , input to output are paralelled.

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Have you actually supplied a DMX signal to it?

Usually with most of these cheap fixtures they are in stand-alone mode until you supply them with a DMX signal.



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Thanks musht.


It is similar, but it doesn't have the stand-alone option.


What I am trying to achieve is LED auditorium lighting control over DMX for productions, but then the ability to allow casual users (and the cleaner!) to have control without the need for a DMX controller. (Plus, as always with amateur theatre, at the lowest price pointhuh.gif)


I haven't added a DMX signal yet (I did on the first unit, which I returned because I thought it was faulty), so in theory it should be in stand-alone mode.





Thanks, Gerry.


I haven't added a DMX signal yet (I did on the first unit, which I returned because I thought it was faulty), so in theory it should be in stand-alone mode.




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