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RF Link outs


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Im making some new patch pannels for my companies 8 way RF sennheiser racks.

Would it be possible to have a BNC split/link out of the signal being sent to the sennheiser ASA1. Meaning this could link to another rack? This would mean that each aerial (omin or directional) would have 16 ways of RF.


Thanks in advance.

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Careful not to do a passive split and leave an open length of cable unterminated it’ll make what’s known as a quarter wave stub, which in RF terms is a whopping big attenuator at that particular tuned frequency. Very useful in certain circumstances. A pain if you do it by accident though (yes I did this, and yes my stub was exactly the right length for channel 38!). Either design around it or fit 50 ohm terminators when your link outs aren’t in use.
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Yes, a single passive split shouldn't hurt your signal too much, depending on your setup, and is common practice. The loop-throughs on some radio mic models are just that. The only thing to be careful of is the fact that the ASA1 outputs power to run remote amplifiers, so rather than using a straight splitter, it is better practice to use one that has DC blocking on one leg, such as the Shure UA221, to prevent one distro seeing the voltage from the other.
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