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Moving head presets in EOS


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Still getting to grips with intelligent programming. I’ve got two Mac 250 kryptons amd am running them from EOS Nomad. I would like them to move around the stage in a fluid motion (like a smooth chase) rather than hopping from position to position by step. What is the method for programming this? Or is there a preset library or something in EOS that would contain this sort of effect?




Quick start: select your light, point it at the centre of your circle then hit 'effect' '901'. Adjust rate and size as you see fit


The properer way:

Double hit 'Effect' to see the effect list.Copy Effect 901/902/903/Other of your choosing to your own number (1-899) Modify the attributes as neccessary, then apply to fixtures


The controlled way:

Create focus palettes that comprise of the positions you want the fixtures to move through, then create an absolute effect, with each step's level being a focus palette. Adjust attributes as neccessary, then apply it to fixtures


There are numerous other ways to achieve what you are after. Further reading can be found in the EOS operations manual.



Something to be aware of is that if your fixtures have a 'movement speed' attribute controllable via DMX then EOS doesn't let you use it. I think the purpose of that channel is to allow you to set the position and speed parameters once and let the fixture figure out how to smoothly move to the new position, rather than having the lighting desk do the maths, and probably stems from the days of simple DMX controllers with limited CPU speed. Anyway, if you're trying to slow your fixtures down by setting the movement speed attribute then this is why it doesn't work.
Are you on facebook, Dan? If so, it's worth joining the "ETC Eos Family Console Programmers" group. It's closed, but the mods are very quick to respond. You'll find some very knowledgeable people in there (and some familiar names).

Something to be aware of is that if your fixtures have a 'movement speed' attribute controllable via DMX then EOS doesn't let you use it. I think the purpose of that channel is to allow you to set the position and speed parameters once and let the fixture figure out how to smoothly move to the new position, rather than having the lighting desk do the maths, and probably stems from the days of simple DMX controllers with limited CPU speed. Anyway, if you're trying to slow your fixtures down by setting the movement speed attribute then this is why it doesn't work.


Are you sure about that? I can't say I've ever tried to use mSpeed, but it's definately there as parameters for some fixtures in the show I've currently got in the OLE.


Yes, the parameter is there but it never used to do anything. I asked on the ETC forum ages ago and got a response from the product manager saying that it was a feature that was not yet implemented. I'm going to put v2.7 on our Element next week, and will be using our movers for Panto, so I'll have a look to see if the MSpeed parameter works.


To be honest I've never felt that I was missing anything by not being able to set MSpeed. Most of the time I use our movers on cued shows, but where I need to control movement speed on busked shows I'll use effect speed.


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