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avo's sapphire


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I'm going to be hiring a sapphire in to do a band gig, never used one before, unfortunately im not going to have much chance to practice before we go live! I use an azure on a fairly regular basis, so I'm hoping this will help a fair bit


has anyone got any hints/tips about the board? and is the patching system the same sort of thing as for the azure?



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Hi, I've used the Sapphire for a while now and is probably best decribed as half Pearl and half D3 (No rolacue!). If you use the Azure you should beable to pick it up quite fast as Avo's are generally the same layout to a certain degree. However, if you're hiring, why not get a Pearl 2000 or if you want a 2004 (Baring in mind most 2000's will have the 2004 software by now anyway, so this could be a cheaper option!). You'll get on much better with a Pearl coming from Azure and its the most buskable desk going so this'll help you if programming and focus times are quite short. :)
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I can pay £100 for a sapphire and pick up for free, or I can get a pearl 2000 for £95, and pay £30 to pick it up! its a charity gig as well, so saving money is of the essence!


I've just been told I'll have a chance to use it for a festival gig the weekend before (another charity gig) so hopefully should be fine to use it!


focusing isn't particularly an issue because most of our lamps aren't focusable!


thanks for the input,



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company called Rock-Tech in York, they're also doing me some mac 250's for £25 each,


does anyone know where I can get any more mac 250s as cheap as possible for the 30th of june? a 1 night charity gig, we havent got enough fixtures to do all 5 rooms!

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