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Controller help


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Hi, I'm new here, thanks for accepting me.

I am trying to find a controller below £500 that I can use on stage while drummming and singing that will have one button presses on chases for my gobos.

I currently am using an obey 70 and I have programmed 8 scenes per bank. Each bank is a different 2 colours.


scene button 1 is par lights on full

Scene buttons 2 and 3 are for break downs

Scene buttons 4 and 5 are verses

Scene buttons 6 and 7 are choruses

Scene button 8 is strobe for like solos and good riffs.


I cannot use the chasers as you have to click the chases button on and select the chase 1 for example, then to turn it off it's hit the chases 1, hit manual mode to get back to scenes. And while drumming and signing I do not have that luxury. Scene buttons are great for instant firing.


My gobos are being used but of course without chasers they do not swish around.


Is there a mixer that I can get that you can program the chasers or a program button 1-6 that can be hit to fire them as well along side scene buttons


As you can see from our video on Facebook it shows my firing 3 scenes, strobe, break down, full on.




Please help :)

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