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.spf to .ssf


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Yes. This is relatively straightforward to do.



You will have to convert the SPF to an ASCII format and then convert the ascii file to the 520 format. You can convert files right through about 6-7 brands of desk. There are quirks and tricks but I can generally do the conversion for 7 formats in about 10-15mins.


You will not get ML information, FX's can work but depends on which console. Intensity timing per channel will not come over. Items like text and part cues will transfer.There is a limit to what ASCII conversions can do.



You will need a couple of things.


a) Windows style PC - win XP/7 work fine for this method.

I have not really bothered trying to get this method to work with VMware fusion & emulators. Just FYI.


b) OLE for strand palette here


c) Showport here. This converts text files to .ssf and vice versa.



Once you have the above.


First off, you are best to create a folder for the conversions in your My Documents folder as the showport navigation is a bid odd.



a) open your palette OLE & showfile


b) Go to the File menu and select the option Export ASCII Cue. A txt file should appear in your my documents folder.

You can open this file in notepad/word etc.



c) Next launch Showport.

This is an old bit of software so the navigation takes a bit of getting used too.



d) Once you locate your recent ASCII converted file, change the boxes below the file locations to read in the direction of Ascii Light Cue (*txt) to Strand Show File (*.ssf) or vice versa.


e) Click convert. The program will inevitably hang and may say error etc but will do the conversion 99% of the time.


f) Check your folder and you should have a .ssf file of your show.

Check the file size in properties. Once the value is over 0(!), you should have a correctly converted file.



The next thing you need is a USB to floppy disc drive!



When you load the show onto your 520, it should say File Bad but should still display the number of cues. This "file bad" is normal and I just ignore it.



If this is too much, you can email me the file and I can convert it for you.


Needless to say, allow time for file checking etc!




*edit for clarity

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Hi Eamon!Thank for your reply.Your method is definitely very simple and I believe it works,but I have some problems with making it work.First when I put my Ascii *.txt file in My Documents folder , it was processing without ending,when I made a special folder in My Documentsfolder the SHOWPORT program was immediately crashing with giving the Convert command.

Any advice's ? But I will check my Windows processes to .I am working with windows 7 64bitThank you in advanceVasko



Yes. This is relatively straightforward to do.



You will have to convert the SPF to an ASCII format and then convert the ascii file to the 520 format. You can convert files right through about 6-7 brands of desk. There are quirks and tricks but I can generally do the conversion for 7 formats in about 10-15mins.


You will not get ML information, FX's can work but depends on which console. Intensity timing per channel will not come over. Items like text and part cues will transfer.There is a limit to what ASCII conversions can do.



You will need a couple of things.


a) Windows style PC - win XP/7 work fine for this method.

I have not really bothered trying to get this method to work with VMware fusion & emulators. Just FYI.


b) OLE for strand palette here


c) Showport here. This converts text files to .ssf and vice versa.



Once you have the above.


First off, you are best to create a folder for the conversions in your My Documents folder as the showport navigation is a bid odd.



a) open your palette OLE & showfile


b) Go to the File menu and select the option Export ASCII Cue. A txt file should appear in your my documents folder.

You can open this file in notepad/word etc.



c) Next launch Showport.

This is an old bit of software so the navigation takes a bit of getting used too.



d) Once you locate your recent ASCII converted file, change the boxes below the file locations to read in the direction of Ascii Light Cue (*txt) to Strand Show File (*.ssf) or vice versa.


e) Click convert. The program will inevitably hang and may say error etc but will do the conversion 99% of the time.


f) Check your folder and you should have a .ssf file of your show.

Check the file size in properties. Once the value is over 0(!), you should have a correctly converted file.



The next thing you need is a USB to floppy disc drive!



When you load the show onto your 520, it should say File Bad but should still display the number of cues. This "file bad" is normal and I just ignore it.



If this is too much, you can email me the file and I can convert it for you.


Needless to say, allow time for file checking etc!




*edit for clarity

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If you want, you can email me the file. I do this type of conversion regularly.


Not a problem etc


I have a Win 7 machine and it works fine.




If you want, you can email me the file. I do this type of conversion regularly.


Not a problem etc


I have a Win 7 machine and it works fine.



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Just a note when converting from a "newer" console to an "older" console, often the ASCII file contains characters and formatting that the older desk cannot interpret.

I do know you have to turn off some options when exporting an Ascii from an Eos console etc.


You will probably have to examine the file in notepad and delete (carefully) the information that is not required etc.



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