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Strand new Software

live brown

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Hi Folks


Has anyone downloaded the new Strand operating software, that was put on the Strand site last week. We have tried to read the information files to see what it does but the links don’t work. Does anyone know what it does and if we should put it on the 520I desk at college.



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Hi Lisa and welcome to the Blue Room.


It seems the 2.8.6 release notes are currently unavailable, so telling what is new in the software is difficult. Hopefully Strand will fix this over the next few days.


On the subject of whether you should install it onto the 520i at your college, I would say that this should be the job of your tech department rather than a student - of course, if they're happy for you to update the software, then go ahead, but its always worth checking. They may have a reason to keep it on older software for a while - many venues will do this until the software has been proven show safe.

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