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QSC Q-sys Audio Player "auto pause"


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I need to program a QSC Q-sys audio player to play a track when triggered, then stop at the end and wait for the next trigger to play the next track in the playlist, and so on.


Basically I want the "auto pause" feature that mini-discs had. Or "auto cue" that DJ CD players have.


Does anyone have any idea how to achieve this with Q-sys?

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I'm assuming you're looking to use the audio player component with the files/playlists stored on the core. It doesn't look like this is a standard feature on the player. It does however give a control output of the remaining time on the track. Depending on your control system you could read this and when it reaches zero send a pause command, then send the play command when you want to go to the next track.


Alternatively if your track config is fixed, you could not configure it to be playlist capable in which case it will only play the track you tell it to and then stop. You can then send the next command to play the next track.


There are probably other ways of skinning this cat but they are two I can think of.



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If you have scripting enabled (all cores pre Jan 18 or so I believe, or you have purchased the scripting component) you could do one of two things:


1) write a quick lua script using remaining to pause and then cue up the next track - should be a relatively simple script


2) set the components' playlist to none, then write a script to send through the filename and trigger play


Additionally, send through a feature suggestion to QSC - it may not help you, but it may help a future user.

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Thanks for the suggestions. Tried telling it to pause when the remaining time was 0, but it pauses about half a second before the end of the track. Also tried telling it to pause when the track name changed, but the player temporarily goes into 'stop' when preparing to play the next track, so pause gets ignored.


I thought this should be easier that it turned out. Ended up with a script that calls the file name. Not so easy to update when chaining the tracks, but it works.

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