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Chamsys desk questions ?


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HI all im opping a chamsys desk and I have to edit lots of things very quickly, I have grouped parts of the set on seperate playbacks, Its for a TV drama and as the camera position moves a lot for different takes I have to edit the "Looks" and kill seperate lights for these shots... but whilst keep the original look (on a play back)..... what is the best way of saving/recording the entire stage look after I edit for each shot from all play backs... ??? if I could ring some one that could help me that would be ace (im Manchester based) thanks Ade
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what is the best way of saving/recording the entire stage look after I edit for each shot from all play backs... ???



I presume you are looking for Snapshot. Manual chapter 14.1.2 Snapshot (Quickest [thru]+[rec], or same as exec tile soft button)

There is also an Active. (Shift+Snapshot)


(Maybe best to join Facebook Chamsys Programmers and Users)



Regards Kåre Olai

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