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vectorworks help


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Im looking for some help to do with scaling a dog in vectorworks. can anyone help me scale up a dwg I have of an old plan I have of a venue and make it work with a set I have drawn. I've tried a few things, including online tutorials but I can't seem to make the plan the right size. there is a scaling box on the plan I can't seem to change.


any help would be greatly appreciated.



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it would help if you indicate the version of vwx you have.


Things to do before importing a dwg into vectorworks:


a) Open a new doc and make the layer scale 1:1. No need to worry about classes or layers at this point.




c) When the large dialogue box opens, check the units (assume mm ??) and most importantly the scale option. This being middle of the screen favouring the right side. Sometimes, it defaults to a paper scale and not the scale you are seeking. Set it to 1:1


Autocad draws at 1:1 & changes the scale for output purposes only.


Vectorworks allows you to have multiple different layers of scale hence the practice of making your drawing 1:1 etc.


There are other quirks re importing a DWG. Versions of software etc.


If this does not work, you can send me the file and I can sort it out.




Also for VWX questions, the vectorworks forums are very well managed with excellent support from staff and regular users.

No disrespect to the extensive knowledge of users here but the vectorworks platform does not come up as a query regularly


@ mods:

Would it make sense to have a CAD sub forum or would that be going off track??



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You can indeed have layers of different scales, but make sure that "Unified View" is switched off (from memory, it's in the View menu and is switched on by default), otherwise any layers other than your current layer will not be displayed if they are of a different scale!
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