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Low-Fog Usage


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Hi Jon,


In my experience of it I have never really noticed the floor getting very wet.


We used a Le Maitre LSX for Grease last year.


It really does depend on how long you use it for.





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Yep I have on a few shows and on several it worked fine and on the other one it looked a mess. The problem was; a large cast performing lots of movement around the stage whilst this layer of 'low fog' was lurking which caused it to rise up very quickly looking the whole thing look horrible!!


The other times I have used it have been on smaller stages with small number of cast not moving to much and it has looked OK.


However if you can get your hands on a proper Dry Icer (I know there are more H & S problems and you have to store the dry ice etc. etc.) then its worth it because the effect does look better and it does linger for longer. Another alternative which is better than a low lying fogger but still not quite as good as a proper Dry Ice machine is CO2 low lying fog effect machine. Used one of these once with great success on a show.






PS- Do I sense a move to effects and pyro coming on?

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  • 2 weeks later...

by low fog I assume you mean the ones with the chambers for the ice packs


we have two big antari ones and ive used them plenty of times, never left any residue on the stage for any of my shows,



sam is right about the smoke rising up quite easily, on a big dance show I did it was pulled of the ground by the dancers and by the end of the 3 minuite track you could barely see them :uni: also in a theatre we work in there is a door backstage and when its open the airflow pushes the low smoke up


with these machines always point them the same direction as any airflow on stage to get the best effect, your never gonna get the same effect as dry ice but there not bad and alot easier to use



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Hi Guys


For those of you using Antari Ice Machines please try using our UK Gravity Max fluid as it was specially dsigned in the uk in response to customer feedback.


This fog is designed to evaporate before it warms and lifts, Im not saying it will fix every ocasion but please try it as a lot of research went in to making it.


Ian kirby

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