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Rechargeable AA battery dimensions


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This one has cropped up a couple of times before but not with many actual numbers.

Background: I'm trying to identify rechargeable batteries for my L6 beltpack radio mics but most of those I've tried have been too big - AA battery sizes are subject to quite a large tolerance range - 13.5 to 14.5mm.


The battery compartment is 14.1mm diameter.

My usual alkalines - GP Super - are 14.0mm.

Ansmann MaxE 2500: I have some that are blue and some green. Blue are 14.3 and don't fit at all. Green vary between 14.1 and 14.2 so some fit and some don't. Ansmann themselves list all of theirs as simply being 14.5 which is unhelpful. I gather sizes can vary a bit depending on state of charge / temperature too.


So can anyone recommend a decent brand & exact model of AA battery that's consistently no more than 14.1mm diameter? Capacity of ~2000mAh+.

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I appreciate that this not answering the question, but is the battery compartment entirely of plastic with no possible source of short circuits ? If so, you may find that rechargeables will fit after removing the shrink wrap that surrounds the actual cell.


Remember that the metal of the cell thereby exposed is connected to one terminal. If two cells are used side by side one of them will be short circuited with risk of fire. MAKE CERTAIN that no one then uses the cells in say a metal bodied torch !




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Also not answering your question, but I've taken a dremmel to some of my Line6 beltpacks and the batteries now fit significantly better! I do occasionally get the odd cell stuck still but it tends to be when they've been used and have swollen. It's far less often than before.
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I appreciate that this not answering the question, but is the battery compartment entirely of plastic with no possible source of short circuits ?

Good call. The back half of the compartment is (I think) anodised aluminium so probably not a plan in this instance though.



Also not answering your question, but I've taken a dremmel to some of my Line6 beltpacks and the batteries now fit significantly better!

Perhaps a little more extreme surgery than I'd like but I'll bear in mind. What capacity of batteries are you using and what sort of run times are you getting? I might be able to get away with lower capacities (which are supposedly sometimes a tad smaller) but I don't currently have any to test.

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Do you really need the full 2000mAh?

Good question. I don't know to be honest. If I can get a reliable four hours out of a lesser capacity, I can work with that. I'm beginning to think I may have to just bite the bullet and buy a selection of capacities and brands and try them out.

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