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Difference between T11 and T19 lamps


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I recently ordered a pack of three T19 1000W 240V lamps, as I have sucessfully converted by 35mm film projector to use these lamps instead of A1/9 lamps.


However when my order arrived they were T11 lamps, which have the same ratign and lamp base but are a different shape.


Are they 100% compatible?


My main convcern is filament position and size.





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The T19 was a compatable lamp that Philips designed to improve the T11. The filament is tighter and Bi-planer, in otherwords more of a "point" source than the T11. For most lighting applications this difference is hardly noticiable, but if you have converted a projector the less concentrated source may give you problems.
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Thanks Ian - so strictly speaking if you order a T19 you should get a T19 and not have it substituted for a T11? I think I need to send these back then.


As you say I need a concentrated light source to use this in my projector. A true T19 works perfectly.

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