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600/575W profile problems

Pete Alcock

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Hi Friends,


I've just got a couple of those 600W GKV-equipped profiles (you know - those ones that Terralec sell), and am a bit disappointed at the evenness of the beam.


I've fiddled with the three little (completely inaccessible) thumbscrews at the back but whatever I do I can't seem to get rid of the dark splodge in the middle, and the stripey fringe round the edge of the beam.


I'm not using a GKV lamp, as I had a few of those "similar" ones with a heatsink at the bottom spare and they fitted OK.


Has anybody has any similar experience with these, or can share a tip on optimising the beam, (other than "Serves you right for not buying a ETC Source Four!").


Thanks as always,



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